Dec 21, 2008
Oh, and in my last post, I was showing off about how people have created blogs because they liked mine. Add two more to that list =D. Yay. And if you, reading right now, don't have a blog? Get one. Now.
Moving on, I've noticed some things I'm really enjoying about Philadelphia;
1. Every little piece of information you can possibly need about Philadelphia, getting around, what's on tv, what to eat, you can get on the internet.
2. I ordered food on the internet yesterday. I got food delivered to my doorstep via the internet!
3. I have an address. And if I need to tell someone where I live? I don't tell them to take this right from that hospital, or that left before this traffic light. I give them an address and they know exactly where to come, just by a set of numbers and a few words. Voila!
4. Maxim, FHM, Stuff, Penthouse, Playboy. That is all.
Those are some things I am loving, more as they come =D
I can't blog about how life is at the moment, I've made up a lot of theories in my head, learnt quiet a lot, and experienced even more, but I guess that'll all have to wait till I'm in the mood for wisdom-sharing. Happy Holidays! lol.
Nov 30, 2008
Small world, indeed.
My friend Nobia, who I know for around 6-7, maybe 8, years now? And who I met on the internet, Very, randomly? And have never even ever met in real life, yet?
She introduced me to this other girl, in Karachi, named Rida Kokab, a few years ago. If I try to remember, I'd say it was approximately 3 or 4 years ago.
Well, funny story.
See, Rida Kokab, in karachi, randomly, found my blog on the internet and started reading. Then, she created her own blog, and claims to be inspired by me (how friggin cool is that?!).
Then, she finally left me a comment after a lot of posts, and I decided to talk to her and see who she is. Believe it or not, I just had a gut feeling that I had met her before, or knew her somehow. And I did!!
So, so far in life, I've 'inspired' three people to write blogs =D how awesome is that?
Rida Kokab's blog, which she doesn't want to be published here, actually even starts out by thanking me, and her second post is on a theory made by yours truly =D How frigging cool is that, too??
So You're Welcome, Rida, and Thanks because you've made my day. =)
Oh, and I'd like to beg anyone else that regularly reads my blog, to please, please leave a comment. I love finding out about readers!!
Nov 23, 2008
Ego, Grandiosity, Self Esteem? Anyone?
Here are the 'web-definitions' for Ego, Grandiosity, and Self Esteem:
Ego: an inflated feeling of pride in your superiority to others.
Grandiosity: An inflated appraisal of one's worth, power knowledge, importance, or identity.
Self Esteem: Self-esteem is the confidence and satisfaction a person has in him/herself.
Was going to try to prove a point, but due to the definition of Grandiosity, that point has been rendered pointless.
However, I would like to conclude with telling everyone, that you shouldn't take my healthy attitude towards myself, and my good self-esteem as Ego.
But you know what, whatever, go ahead and take it as whatever you want!
Nov 21, 2008
Not getting what we want, are we?
"Why can't we just get what we want?"
But I have a different approach to the answer. I think we DO get what we want. All the time. See, I like to think of LIFE, mine, as my own creation. I'm not talking about the creating or being created part, I'm talking about the part that comes after actually been created.
The part we all are living at the moment.
See, the concept of You Reap What You Sow has been worn out, and people don't even listen or think about that anymore. It's like the stars. You know they're there, but who gives a crap anymore?
Let me explain to you my theory. See, whatever our life is, it's ALL because of us. All of it. And even if some things were/are uncontrollable, they're for our own greater good, even if we can't see it. But in a way or two, everything IS actually being controlled by us. And if you don't think that way, you need to see a shrink about self-esteem issues.
Let me tell you a story. In high school, I used to flunk tests all the time, and I used to get bad grades for that. Why did I get bad grades? Because I didn't study for those tests. And so in a way, I was getting everything I actually wanted for myself, because I just wasn't thinking about the process that comes in between "Wanting" and "Getting". Did I want bad grades? I would think not. But what was I doing about NOT wanting bad grades?
Why do all popular religions insist that we're all equal? We are, really. All of us. And we all have to go through the same test, even it's a little different in nature and comes at a different period, but think of it as a video game with only one difficulty setting. We're all going to go through the same levels, but at our own pace, right?
And if you think you're not in control, and everything is going as fate planned it, then why do you call it YOUR life? Stop owning it completely, then. Abandon it. Call it someone else's.
If you are calling it your life, then learn the rules of owning things. Starting right now, preferably.
I believe people get what they want BUT in their unconscious state of mind.
Life is complicated though ... all around me people are wondering why things aren't going 'their' way ... and what they need to do, to be 'happy'.
And being who I am, I just love helping people, and going through my handbook of theories over and over again, but as soon as the sun comes out again, surely the brain goes back to questioning ... And I'm not saying questioning is wrong, but at least keep an open mind to noticing the answers, people?
See, the problem is, whenever I actually help someone, something they always say, gets to me. Be it about Relationships, or anything else. I'm left questioning myself, after practically answering their paper for them.
And it's kind of sad, really, when you're left alone at the end of the day with only a blog to talk to.
M'hm.. Is this what I want?
Nov 20, 2008
Join The Copyfight.
Join the Copyfight!
Posted by IH on Nov. 9
Since I've been sued by both the MPAA (Hollywood) and threatened by the CRIA (Canadian recording industry), I've talked about what's been happening with our cases. Our CRIA case has also recently received mainstream press attention by the Canadian Press and Globe & Mail. But the question is why? Why do they insist on suing their own customers? Why do they sue search engines like us, who make the internet more useful for everyone?
The problem lies in something fundamentally broken with the copyright system. A choice quote from Cory Doctorow's article on the "copyfight":
"So the natural inclination of anyone who is struck by a piece of
creative work is to share it. And since "sharing" on the Internet is the same as
"copying," this puts you square in copyright's crosshairs. Everyone copies. Dan
Glickman, the ex-Congressman who now heads up the Motion Picture Association of
America (as pure a copyright maximalist as you could hope to meet) admitted to
copying Kirby Dick's documentary This Film is Not Yet Rated (a scorching critique of the MPAA's
rating system) but excused it because the copy was "in [his] vault." To pretend
that you do not copy is to adopt the twisted hypocrisy of the Victorians who
swore that they never, ever masturbated. Everyone knows that they themselves are
lying, and a large number of us know that everyone else is lying too."
When the head of the MPAA has to admit to copying the film that criticizes the very industry he represents, an industry group of lobbyists and litigators against such copying, it highlights an important fact beyond the obvious hypocrisy. The internet has completely changed the economics of sharing. When sharing equals copying on the internet and the direct cost of that sharing is effectively $0 (it doesn't cost you anything to share videos on Youtube or BitTorrent), it makes copyright infringement so easy that even Dan Glickman can do it. So easy that a mom like Stephanie Lenz can do it when she posted a video of her 13-month-old son dancing to Prince's music. And I mean no disrespect to them.
This is an age of rampant sharing and remixing, and if you can make the connection between sharing and culture as Doctorow has, you will see this war between rightsholders and consumers will never end and the rightsholders will never win. The band Girl Talk and Lessig and James Boyle and Terry McBride of Nettwerk and isoHunt all echo a common point: Remixing and sharing is good for culture, suing consumers and technologists who enable sharing is destructive for everyone. The internet is a more efficient information machine than the printing press or VCR ever was, and also a whole different animal. It's time the content industries learn to put it to better use as well, by discarding past notions of how business is done based on an economy of scarcity. In Star Trek, currency becomes irrelevant with virtually unlimited "copying" of physical objects with the Replicator. The internet is the Replicator of information. When a 13-month-old dances to Prince's music, copyright infringement is nowhere near his consciousness. It's an endorsement that he likes it, pure and simple.
I've said a number of times that I'm not against copyright, but copyright does need significant reform in the internet age. If all this rampant copying on BitTorrent and the internet has not made a dent in Hollywood's record earnings, why can't we all just get along without rabid lawsuits? Why can't they see that sharing and remixing is a human urge for culture, and when we share and remixes art, it's not a liability but an endorsement for the artist or author or producer?
When the majority of society has no ethical conviction of wrongdoing when they violate copyright law, it's not society that's wrong, it's the law. Because no one can really own ideas. Newton once said, "If I have seen further it is only by standing on the shoulders of Giants." It's how the arts and sciences progresses. We share, we inspire and we remix.
If you want to join the copyfight, simply share your thoughts by replying, share this post with your friends, and join isoHunt's Facebook group. With our pending lawsuit against the CRIA in our home country, we may need your voice real soon, especially if you are Canadian. For more on Copyfight and where the word came from, go here.
Update: Since this post is all about warm fuzzy sharing, I shared this post on Torrentfreak as a guest columnist. This post, along with everything I write on, are published under the CC BY-SA license. Share on!
Update 2: For a book author's perspective, a most interesting response and discussion
regarding my post on the Copyfight. ( Edit by SecretSquirrel: Having spoken to Rachel Caine via telephone, she echoed the sentiments on her livejournal. Please do give her posting a read, she makes some good points.)
Nov 11, 2008
The Month in Karachi.
*The music you hear in the tv show "24" when they show that orange digital clock*
The following are the blog posts I wrote while my stay in Karachi. They were jotted down quickly on my laptop because I couldn't find an internet connection on the fly. They are dated, with time.
*The music you hear in the tv show "24" when they show that orange digital clock*
October 13th - Monday - 2008
1:47 PM (GMT + 6) - Karachi Time
10:47 PM (GMT + 3) - Riyadh Time
7:47 PM (GMT) - Greenwich Mean Time
Because finding an internet connection is so hard, here in Karachi, I've decided I'm going to write blog posts, in a Text Document, whenever I can find the time (along with Date and Time) and then publish them on the internet after reaching my home in Riyadh.
So, basically, it's almost time to go back home, only a week or so left, and so far in Karachi I have seen a lot of things. Specially things written on walls.. lol, my favorite part of Karachi. You can find so many interesting things, written all over Karachi, it's amazing.
Like, a few days ago I saw a car, which had a weird sticker at the back windshield. It said "Why so?" in urdu. And it made me think ... why so what? What does that even mean?
Other than that, it's funny how roaming around karachi can be so tense when you know you have cash, and the cell phone you bought a week before flying to karachi.
But on the other hand, that made me carry only around a 100 rupees (which is roughly 10 riyals) and I left everything else at home. It was eerily satisfying ... travelling around with nothing but 100 rupees, I felt like I had nothing to worry about ... Just how I usually feel when I'm in Riyadh, but in Karachi it was different, it was something new.
I'm going to end this post right here, because as we speak, I'm sitting at an Aunt's house (where I'm spending the night) and people are talking all around me ... Talking about what? My aunt's son can't decide whether he wants to go into medicine or become a traditional doctor ... or something along those lines anyway, I lost them a lot of statements ago ... Anyhow, more news as it happens. =)
- Daanish.
October 18th - Saturday - 2008
5:32 PM (GMT + 6) - Karachi Time
2:32 PM (GMT + 3) - Riyadh Time
11:32 PM (GMT) - Greenwich Mean Time
The fun thing about Karachi is, when you want to kill time, you can go out for a stroll, without a specific route. That's just what I did right now, I went out, went to this shop (where one Marlboro Lights costs just 5 rupees) and then took a long walk around the block. Rikshaw drivers and random people stared, but I guess that's what they do. I started thinking about how it's been a month in Karachi already, and it only feels like a week. Then I started thinking about how much more hectic life is going to be when I get back to Riyadh, where my I-20 waits for me, and I have to jump right in and apply for an American Visa. I had a 7up bottle in my hand, which I was "saving" from last night (it seems like such a tough job, trying to get out 25 rupees to pay for a bottle of 7up. And 25 rupees seems like a lot of notes, just for a 7up bottle). When I was done with my stroll, and got back home, I noticed Fido Dido laying in a hammock, besides the large white "7up" and a bubble under his head said "Fiker na kar, aish kar" ... to my surprise, I read the whole urdu sentence in one go, and understood it, but then I turned the bottle around to find the english version of Fido's bubble, which said "Don't Worry, be Happy" ... and I said to myself; "Ironic, that's what I've been doing all this while, and it's working!"
Still have a long day ahead of me, and to tell you the truth, I'm not looking forward to it, I want to go back home already! I miss all of YOU. I've lost touch with my alter-ego, the one that sits behind a computer all day long 'socializing' and I miss it.
Oh well, only a few more days left ... I'm not going to open up the calender and look up exactly how many days, but should be roughly 5 more days.
Wonder how everyone else's life is right now ... hmmm ...
- Daanish.
October 20th - Monday - 2008
4:44 AM (GMT + 6) - Karachi Time
1:44 AM (GMT + 3) - Riyadh Time
I was laying on this thing called a 'takhat' ... practically a bed-type thing made out of wood ... and I was laying there with my uncle discussing music. My uncle, a professional drummer in Pakistan who has practically played with almost all the musicians in pakistan, no matter what genre' and has met almost everyone in the pakistan entertainment industry (vjs, directors, actors, singers, etc) was telling me about how Jazz music actually started. My month in Karachi was mostly spent with my uncle, and he told me all about his struggles in the music industry, how he started out playing in his backyard when the rest of his family kept trying to make him sell his drumkit, and how he went on to play with Sajjad Ali, Hadiqa Kiyani, Junaid Jamshed, and finally Mizraab. And how he has co-directed so many of the music videos seen on tv but never really got the critical acclaim he should've ... yes, I've showed off all I could, now let me get back on what I was saying. From there, the conversation went on to the stars and the universe, and the moon, and the skies, and everything-psychadelic. I noticed the Orion's belt (three closely positioned stars all aligned together) and I was looking around at the rest of the stars, when I noticed not just one but 4 shooting stars. Yes, 4 shooting stars. I wondered if I could make 4 wishes then, and I made them for everyone I could think of ... with Coldplay playing in the back of my head, and Steve Vai's For the Love of God somehow mixing in, I noticed how beautiful it was, to just lay under the sky, with the wind blowing, and clouds forming out of nowhere moving around the peaceful sky.
Even the stars, I noticed, are so different in their own ways. Some brighter than the others, some flickering because of clouds moving over them, and some positioned so beautifully, you can just stare at them forever...
Life is so beautiful, calm, pretty, mind-boggling, peaceful, satisfying here, that I feel like just staying here in this state-of-living forever ........ or actually, until I get bored of this too ......
I've met so many different people, my way of thinking has altered without me actually even knowing, or feeling it ... it's amazing. I've realized there's so many more things to learn, so many more things to see ... it's like a bag of toys, with so many different things in it, that you can put your hand in it and keep on grabbing things and bringing them out ... and in the same manner, so many things to appreciate in life ...
- Daanish.
October 21st - Tuesday - 2008
4:44 AM (GMT + 6) - Karachi Time
1:44 AM (GMT + 3) - Riyadh Time
Was laying down looking at the stars again yesterday, when I saw two shooting stars! It was amazing .. I was thinking about the whole concept of life, and I said to myself, I wonder if I'll see a shooting star again ... Then I made a wish, I asked to see a shooting star. And in like, 2 minutes, a bright light ran across the sky. I couldn't believe it at first, and then I made the same wish again. And there it was. A second shooting star, within a minute. I was speechless.
I went to AAG Tv's office yesterday. Aag is a channel run by GEO in Karachi, and if you're in pakistan and don't know what AAG or GEO is, I'll be surprised. Met the Graphic Designers that work for the channel, Senior Producers, Cheif Editors, and many more big-wigs working for television. It was wonderful, the atmosphere at the work-place was almost hard to believe. And how down-to-earth everyone was, was surprising too, but I guess that's because they all knew my Uncle that took me there to begin with.
I found out around an hour or two ago that my stay in Pakistan has been extended. My flight back home was supposed to be in 2 or 3 days, but now I'm here for another week. October 28th, to be exact. Niice.
I think I'll go out for another stroll and maybe have a smoke. Hope everyone and everything connected to me in the circle of life is doing ok =)
- Daanish.
October 24th - Friday - 2008
6:04 PM (GMT + 6) - Karachi Time
3:04 PM (GMT + 3) - Riyadh Time
I woke up at around 4, today. Last night is pretty much a daze, because I was out partying with my uncle who I've been staying with for quite some time now. What did I do when I was out? I can't really ellaborate on that due to security purposes, but I can tell you that it was tiring.
Stayed up all night talking about guitar riffs, and the past and the future. Saw six shooting stars yesterday!! And since we were in a daze, we saw a bright white pigeon fly across the sky and mistook it for a shooting star, twice. A pigeon flying alone across the sky at around 3 or 4 in the morning, do you believe that? But six shooting stars in one night. That was something, really. And one of them didn't even have the properties of a regular shooting stars. It didn't have a white bright tail or anything, it looked like the whole star was falling instead. A bright round circle shaped star just falling down from the sky and then disappearing.
Last night I also thought up a theory. I've sucessfuly compared Guitar Solos to Shooting Stars. Becuase sometimes when they're at the peak of their beauty, the just abrubtly cease to exist, and you're like "awwwww man". And they leave behind this silhoutte of a trail in your head, that leaves you in a daze. Touche'.
My day has just started and I have to decide on what I have to do next, so I'm going to stop this one right here. Updates as they happen =) hope you're taking care.
- Daanish.
October 25th - Saturday - 2008
7:55 PM (GMT + 6) - Karachi Time
4:55 PM (GMT + 3) - Riyadh Time
I've just been informed that my flight is at 7:15 in the morning, on the 28th. Which means I'll have to sleep away the 27th, then leave for the airport late at night. It also means, that, I only have 2 more nights left in Karachi. One that is going to be over in a few hours, and one whole day and night tomorrow. And that's it. In this time that I have left in Karachi, I have some more shopping left that I need to take care of, I have to pack all my things again, and make sure I'm not forgetting anything at one of the many places I've spent nights at.
In addition to that, I've also been informed that the flight back to Riyadh is connected via a flight to Abu Dhabi first. And I will have to spend around 7 hours in Abu Dhabi Airport ... just like last year. And only because there were no other flights back to Riyadh, this was the only flight we could get since we extended our stay a week. Just bloody great. Do you have any idea, how jet-lagged, tired, and frustrated those 7 hours are going to be? I do. Really, really, really.
If I have any juice in my laptop when I'm at the airport, I'll write a post then too, and maybe you'll get a better idea of how it feels.
If I have any time before that, to write blog posts, I'll do that too.
Have Fun, world.
- Daanish.
October 28th - Tuesday - 2008
7:30 PM (GMT + 6) - Karachi Time
4:30 PM (GMT + 3) - Riyadh Time
I'm sitting at the karachi airport right now, really, really tired/sleepy/about to fall unconciounce and I'm waiting for the damn plane to be fit for passengers. I mean, come on, I've been waiting for more than 2 hours now. And to top it all off, I have a 7 hour stay in friggin Abu Dhabi. Do you believe that? 7 friggin hours. ..
My laptop's battery died at the Abu Dhabi airport, unfortunately. And I was too tired to plug the charger in the socket. So I just bought a pack of Dunhill Blues and spent my 7 hours in the Airport's smoking lounge. Aah, nirvana.
Nov 10, 2008
Cannot think of an appropriate title.
He says, don't ever argue with your girlfriend when she comes to meet you during Prison Meeting. Because, then you'll spend all the time while she's gone wondering if she's getting it on with some other guy, having agressive sex, because she's mad at you.
And I've realized, long distance relationships can be like that too sometimes, to some extent of course. But whatever, experiences differ.
I've noticed how guys like to think that Pink is a gay color.
I bet that was all planned by the females. This way, only they get to wear pink, and it seperates them from us. Now, most guys have gone against colors like purple, and pink, and even orange, red and yellow. Why? Because according to them, it's gay.
Oh, come on. If God made that color, than why not take them in along with all the colors? Imagine the world if it didn't have those colors. That would be very, very dull.
Do you see females saying, Oh I can't wear blue because it's so manly? No. They get to wear black, blue, gray AND orange, red, yellow, purple, you name it. Then why are guys only wearing dark colors, afraid of being called a homo?
Seriously, if some people prefer the same sex orientation, that's their own preference. And you can't tell if a guy is straight or not, just by the threads he's wearing. You can have a guy wearing a brown armani suit, and you wouldn't be able to tell what he likes in bed.
You could have a guy wearing a light blue t-shirt and yellow and orange wristbands, and see females wooving all around him. Now THAT is what I'd prefer. Because it works. It's called being metrosexual or some shit, and if it's working for me, why should I complain? lol.
Aah, that's it for life for now. I wrote a few blog posts while I was in karachi, am too lazy to put them up here, but soon, hopefully. They're on my laptop, so I'll try to come on from there and just post them a.s.a.p.
Take care, world.
Nov 4, 2008
I would wish for a thousand suns to come together all at once, to bring light into this winter. To bring sunshine, maybe. To bring pies, maybe. To bring mocha...
Seasons have never yet made me wonder,
how time can be so perfectly described
by words and terms, all self - created
yet we named names, till April arrived.
The flowers all bloom, and the sun shines around,
still we try to take cover from the wind, that is now
Shelter and protect, but we're touched with this bond
April was good to us, and we did not respond
I'm so lonely, but it's good, in a long time I haven't felt
Still so shaken and excited, I can't wait to meet you there
Months have come and months have went
April, I can't wait to meet your stare
I would cherish, and hold, hoping not to break our mold
I would let go, I would let loose, I would create words of gold
I could pray, I could wish, I could want to create our world
But this time isn't telling me how my April will unfold.
Snow no longer falls, April, mountains no longer shine
Eagles no longer soar the skies, time is no longer fine
This is where you come in, sweetheart, and claim to be mine
I wouldn't have asked if it wasn't to be, April, now is the time.
I'm looking for Yellow.
I'm looking for April.
Sep 24, 2008
Blah the world.
I leave for Karachi, in around 26 hours, and I'm still not sure if I've packed or not. Plus, the lil kitten that's been staying with me for the past week, whom I call little furball, has no home to go to while I'm gone .. It's a mess.
To top that off, I haven't been eating well, or sleeping well. The result? I've grown really, really weak and have lost my appetite all together. Aah, life is good ...
So, anyway, let me write about the music I'm blaring in the background right now. Slipknot's new album, All Hope Is Gone. If you're into heavy metal, and haven't heard All Hope Is Gone, you don't know what you're missing out on. Go get.
Got Metallica's new album too, by the way. Death Magnetic, was it? I've been let down. Don't know if this is what old people mean when they say Metallica sold out back in the days, but I think the feeling is similar for me, this time around. Ok, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit, I don't really HATE the album as much as I've expressed, but I haven't really given it a lot of listening time either, somehow it just hasn't clicked in my head like the previous Metallica albums. Meh.
Anyway, I've forced myself to write the two paragraphs above .. and I don't think I can really go on much more. I'm in serious need of something good to happen to me, or I'm going to stab myself ...
... on the hand ...
... with a toothpick ...
Sep 17, 2008
Hate I can't forget you
Hate you don't know what you want
Hate you're putting me through your experiment
Hate you being two faced and lying so easily
Hate me being so trusting and gullible
Hate not being able to not forgive
Hate me for forgiving
Hate that I needed you
Hate that you knew that
Hate your selfishness
Hate your lies
Hate your lies
Hate your lies
Hate you ...
Sep 10, 2008
Me and my friends, we like playing Counter Strike, or Call of Duty 4. Out of me and my friends, Me and Zaib are probably the most dominant players. And so we have a running joke, each time we give our fellow players a lesson in Shooting 101 we like to say "We should get our hands insured, man, that's how good we are at this"
Funny story, I set my left hand on fire yesterday. How? I was refuelling my zippo, and a little fluid dripped on to my hand. I thought maybe I could do like Ghost Rider, and it would be cool. Left my hand burning for 5 seconds, and after that it was all a world of major hurt.
Yet, here I sit typing with both hands and planning on another round of Call of Duty soon. I would tell you I don't have the word 'rest' in my dictionary, but someone would probably argue that I should've checked before buying the dictionary.
Anyhow, that's nuff' said for one post. I need to go "ice" my hand. Have fun, living! (no pun intended)
Sep 4, 2008
Aug 31, 2008
Fish eat Fish.
Think of them as four different theories, by yours truly.
To some people, it's all about winning sometimes. And I like winning just as much as the next ego maniac, BUT, I was thinking about it and it seems, to me, that the Joy Of Winning is far inferior to the Disappointment of Losing. And so I wonder, it's probably Not About Winning but about NOT Losing. I don't want to brag about winning, I just don't want to listen to someone else brag and get my 'pout' on because I've lost. Makes sense, doesn't it?
Women are all about commitment, and they're thinking every minute of their lives how to slip a ring into the finger of the guy they've been going out with.
And, ever notice, guys? How your female probably hates it when you smoke? Let me explain that to you, Via Danish989's Theory of Female Smoker Bashers. See, women invest in their own future by ensuring their man doesn't smoke, because after marriage what if he gets Lung Cancer or some shit and dies, who's going to pay the bills? What if they're too old to get another man by then?
At the end of the day, people ONLY think about themselves, no matter what. And if you're not like that, you should change right now, if you don't want to be eaten alive by everyone else on the planet, including your "better half"
It's a fish eat fish world ... best buy a fishing rod.
Aug 22, 2008
What does moody mean, anyway? Someone that is constantly sad, or someone that can't decide? I'm the latter, F.Y.I.
It's like ... it's like being drunk. Like being on your sofa the next day, but not knowing how you got there, or if there's anyone else in your apartment. I don't know how I would know how it is to be drunk, but I have a pretty good idea. A pretty, good idea.
So, I fall asleep at around 2.30 or 3, not sure, with a really bad headache, a fever, and a sore-throat that just won't fucking leave. But, I wake up at 6 with the light besides my bed on, somehow, and I'm wondering.
What the fuck?
It felt like my insomnia stage, all over again ... I just hope it's not here to stay.
So, I've noticed I can somehow manage to be really, really depressed, even while standing in between a large group of people. Large, as in, around 80 people. Yes, that is what I meant by large in case you were wondering 20 people, because you were wrong then. That's medium people ... (just had to make that funny)
So, for reasons I deem unnecessary to enclose, I was going through clinical depression while sitting at a concert. Go figure.
Maybe, just maybe, it was due to this group of dumbass f.o.b.s' playing Yaar Bina by Junoon. Or actually going to town on it. I felt like hanging myself and writing a letter addressed to the band, stating my reason for opting out of life so soon;
Dear Band Members,
You suck, I accidentaly heard you play, and I just couldn't take it.
Ps: you guys aren't that bad...
pss: I'm joking, you suck.
And for the rest of the world;
Dear World,
I just heard this sucky band (band website goes here) and I decided I couldn't take it anymore.
Ps: don't grant them any final wishes, they might ask to play for you.
Ok, enough poking fun at sucky musicians, but the real reason I'm out here is because I missed writing. That is basically it, I just missed writing.
I've been lying to myself, saying I don't need to because I'm not depressed anymore. What part was I lying about? The writing only because I'm depressed part, or the I'm Not Depressed part?
I saw someone in a dream two days ago, and it's just been downhill since then, really ... and I don't even know how that happened. I mean, it took me a year to get over it, and suddenly you ...
It's like seeing the Grimm Reaper after having a near death experience. Like seeing the Grimm Reaper, a Week, after having a near death experience.
You start praying for a day or two, you celebrate that you're still alive and that you got out so close, you tell yourself you're really lucky. And then after a week you find yourself standing in front of the angel of death himself (why is he called an Angel ... really ...) and you really must ask yourself. Why?
That is kinda like how it felt. *sigh*.
If only our system of asking for things from God, was a little like this;
You get 5 wishes every week, and you can ask for them any day of the week, at anytime. But just 5 things, and you're guranteed to get them.
Wow, everyone on earth would be the happiest person on earth ... but for a week only, though. Soon people would literally forget what happiness was. Because they wouldn't be sad.
So, I picked up Sidney Sheldon's "Nothing Lasts Forever". I loved Sidney Sheldon. For all of you that don't know, Sidney Sheldon is actually a guy. Was, actually, may his soul rest in peace.
I've read so many Sidney Sheldon novels, I'm accustomed to his writing style. But that is what was so great about the man. And also the reason all of his books were Bestsellers. Because his writing style Never gave anything away. It was always unpredictable ...
Next, I thought of experimenting with a little Stephen King and finding out why people use cliche'd terms like "couldn't sleep all night, I accidentaly read a Stephen King novel"
But I still don't understand, really. Maybe because I got his rather, not so famous, work;
"Everything's Eventual" - 14 Dark Tales. Yes, short stories, written by Stephen King. heh.
and "Cell" .... one of his latest works. I haven't started reading it yet, but from what I've read in Everything's Eventual I have concluded:
It wasn't scary. Period.
Stephen King is a good storyteller, and maybe it's because I didn't pick up more popular works like The Rose Madder or It, that I didn't find anything keeping me up at night. Or, maybe it's because I don't even remember the last time I actually slept at Night. Heck, I've been up and it's 9.33 AM right now ... I should really hit the sack.
*Kisses his blog goodnight*
And goodnight, you.
Aug 16, 2008
... *5 minutes of head scratching and wall staring* ...
'Nuff said.
Jul 21, 2008
Craziness is underrated.
Teenage rebellion and scissors should never be put together.
Although it doesn't look that bad, really. Ok, maybe it does scream out "this person tried cutting his own hair" or "this guy knows a blind barber" but still.
Which makes me think, does a barber cut his own hair or does he get someone else to do it? I've noticed if you tell a barber you got your previous haircut from some other barber, first he's going to thrash your hair cut and then ask why you didn't come to him earlier. Then how can their hair-cutting egos stand someone else touching their toupe'? Once I actually saw a barber cutting his own hair through a mirror ... see what I'm talking about?
I got the idea from this weeds episode where Silas cuts his own hair. And even though it's obvious he had a million dollar hair dresser cut it for him before the director said "action!", I thought if he could do it, so can I!
I'm not even going to elaborate on how wrong I was to make that assumption. Very wrong, should cut it. (no puns intended)
But there's a lesson to be learnt here.
Even though all males have the false idea that they can drive like Michael Schumacher and navigate like a GPS system, you have to realize, you can NOT cut your own hair.
Unless you were looking for the kind of hair I was looking for and suceeded! Craziness is underrated.
Jul 12, 2008
Some of my friends decided to wake me up, and pay me a visit. I obidiently, woke up, washed up, drank a glass of juice and proceeded to leave my house, only in time to remember I was leaving my cell phone at home.
So, I rushed back to my room, looked at both my Nokia N82 and Nokia E61i, which were both connected to a charger, and had this weird feeling. Should I really take both phones out? No, just one is necessary. So I grabbed the N82 and went downstairs.
So, I get in the car, say my His' and Hellos' and the driver starts driving. I spot this weird guy, just standing there as if he's waiting for something. Didn't really pay any attention to him, just acknowledged his presence.
So, we park the car, and my friend asks if I have any credit on my cell phone, because he was dry. I hand him my phone, he passes it on to the driver, who's window was rolled down.
In a matter of multiseconds, I hear someone running towards us. Before I could think, blink, or start my arsenal of verbal abuses, a figure wearing all black grabs the phone from the driver's hands and runs for it.
Hysteria. Confusion. A total loss of words. No, slash that. FUCK!
I saw it happening, I said to myself. Nothing can be done now, just let it slide Danish.
There went my phone ... my precious :(
But it wasn't all about the phone. It isn't. I've been promised a new phone, any that I put my fingers on, but that doesn't change the fact that someone just put his hands on MY phone and took off with it, the mother ...
What was his nationality, the mother? Does it really matter. Not like theives are of a specific ethincity. This one was saudi though. I've about had it with this country. *sigh*
People, keep your phones in your pockets!
Jul 5, 2008
Lifestyle of Depression
I've just noticed. I get so depressed after opening my Windows Live Messenger window, to find over 20 contacts, with more than half of them having depressing personal messages.
It's human nature, maybe. Or at least it is mine, to get depressed when I'm surrounded by people in angst, or even if it's just one person with a problem. So what is the solution to that? Do I stop caring about the rest of the world and continue on with my life, being happy even if I see someone I rarely even talk to, being depressed with life?
That's more than just difficult, it sounds a lot easier to do, than it is to actually carry out. Am I even making sense to anyone right now, or is it just me that feels this way?
Maybe, we should all stop being depressed, look for the better things in life, and just create personal messages about happiness, keeping all our angst to ourselves. Think of it as an aura you give out, a beacon you send out to the universe. If you're sending out messages of hate or depression, what can you expect to get back from the universe?
If you're depressing the daylights out of everyone around you, how can you expect to be happy yourself?
We reap what we sow, and if the only tool you have is a hammer, everything turns into a nail. It's a lot better to look good, than to feel good. Even if you're just pretending to be happy for a while, you'll soon realize that you're not pretending anymore.
I'm not talking about bottling up your feelings, because that has dire effects, really, I know that by experience. But what we should do is, not let our depression and anger take the best of us on the long run. So you're angry or depressed, go ahead and break something or cry your heart out, but let it stop at that. Don't let your sadness take over the rest of your day, on the long run.
We only have such a little time to live, and no one is ever promised tomorrow ... what's the use of not having fun, in the now and here? Do you really want to waste every precious little moment you have, mourning over things?
I, personally, think life is too short to even blend it, let alone be cornered by depression and angst. Depression can soon turn into a lifestyle if you're not careful. I'm talking all by experience, believe me.
But in the end, of course, always know that your life is always in your own hands. Man writes his own fate. Our ends, justify our means.
Oh, and no need to take any of this seriously :) Life is too short to be taken seriously, too... lol. Just stop frowning if you missed your bus or burnt your toast early in the morning, you still have 3 more meals to think about and many more rides to catch ...
Hope everyone has a nice day!
Jul 2, 2008
Word Warrior
I just took the Classic IQ Test over at
And my result says:
Word Warrior
Your IQ Score is: 122
You are equipped with a verbal arsenal that enables you to understand complex issues and communicate on a particularly high level. These talents make you a Word Warrior.
Whether or not you recognize it, your vocabulary is your strongest suit—use it whenever you can. Since your command of words is so great, you are also a terrific communicator — able to articulate big ideas to just about anyone. Your wordsmithing prowess will also help in artistic and creative pursuits. The power of words translates to fresh ideas off paper too. Since you have so many words at your disposal, you are in a unique position to describe things in an original way, as well as see the future in your mind's eye. In short, your strengths allow you to be a visionary — able to extrapolate and come up with a multitude of fresh ideas. And you are in good company — bask in the brilliance of Word Warriors who have walked before you. William Shakespeare let loose the power of his pen. His ability to articulate the most subtle nuances of human nature and to create colorful characters are why his stories still have a major impact — even 400 years after he first wrote them. Whether you put pen to paper or use your understanding of the words around you to come up with creative approaches to problems, your potential as a Word Warrior is terrific.
How cool.
Other than that, I remembered a while ago I recieved some chain mail that said something about figuring out your personality based on your email address, looking at how you placed your underscores, how many there were, and if you used numbers in your email or not.
So, I grew curious as to find out what my email address meant (because I don't remember the result from that chain mail) and I googled for a while, but unfortunately I could not find the same exact thing.
What I did find, however, was what your personality says according to your domain name:
What Does Your Email Address Say About You?
Go ahead and check it out, even if it's not the most accurate, maybe you'll still find something to laugh at.
Oh, and if you do know where I can see the thing I was originally looking for, do tell me!
Jun 19, 2008
Metal Gear Solid 4 and Grand Theft Auto 4
One of the many reasons to actually buy a sony playstation 3.
I am actually stumbling for words, while trying to describe Metal Gear Solid 4 and Grand Theft Auto 4. I know, I know, I'm sure you already realize the magnitude of this. These, video games. I'm also actually, wondering to myself if I should call them video games, because that makes it sound like 'just videogames' but this is a life changing experience. MGS 4 and GTA 4 will change lives ...
These two things you HAVE to experience. Seriously.
I can go on and on about what makes them so special, but let me make it short.
Imagine the most amazing and spectacular thing ever. Now multiply it with 10. There you go.
You can start breathing now.
- Danish989
Blogging from within Firefox...
How, bloody neat. This is nothing new, I've used another blogging utility from within Firefox before, and that was almost the same as this (don't remember it's name, though) but what makes this one special is, that I installed it right in time with Firefox 3.
Yes, that's right, Mozilla Firefox 3. for more information.
That's all for now!
Life is right now.
- Danish989.
Jun 16, 2008
Checking In
Ok, so I am finally installing Ubuntu on my laptop, but apparently my installation CD is messed up, and so installation stops in the middle and I have to rollback all hard disk resizing, and that too manually. Ok, sure. I also have a change of mind, and decide to install Ubuntu on top of Windows, like on my desktop system, but it will be stabler on the laptop, since this IS a Dell Latitude ... one of the many laptops specifically made to run Ubuntu. I mean, fine tweaked for Linux. How cool is that.
But guess what. Wubi, the Windows Ubuntu Installer, needs to download 600 MB of installation files (which make up the ISO which I burnt into the cd, which im running Wubi from) BUT ... there have been updates, and therefore, I have to wait 3 hours for the installation files to be downloaded. Ok, cool. So I decide to take my laptop to bed so I can lie down and watch an episode of Supernatural as download progresses. BUT, I accidently remove my wireless router's adapter from it's place, thus killing my laptop's wireless internet connection, and immaturely killing my download.
Ok, so I've come to the conclusion that I'll just install Wubi tommorow.
In other news, I'm not writing this in blogger right now, I'm using this Web Based, Full Screen, Word Processor. And the color scheme is bright green and black. Imagine staring at bright green text and black background for 10 minutes.
This thingy, can be found at:
Moving on, notice the stars at the bottom of this blog post. Or any other blog post, actually. That's the new rating system I just implemented on my Blog! You can now rate posts on the fly. At least people with any brain power to evaluate a blog post can. Go ahead, try it out. In fact, go ahead and rate all the blog posts below this one. Hehe, thanks.
Like the new color scheme? Leave this post a comment.
May 28, 2008
The Dawning of the Rest, Of Our Lives! Again!! =D
Damn, it seems like yesterday when I wrote a very similar blog post, when I turned 18 ... it's been an year already. Wow. Time does fly when you're having fun.
I haven't really been giving this one any thought. I've turned 19 ... and I haven't really thought about it. In fact, I only found out when the 28th started. Oh me gosh, I'm turning 19 at 12 tonight!!
Hmm.. I'd like to thank, the academy. My parents, God All Mighty, my siblings, and Allll of my friends. All of them. YOU PEOPLE. Thank you once again for making another year so damn spectacular it could probably win an oscar for Best Drama ... lol, I'm not saying that like it's a bad thing. It was wonderful, really. YOU ROCK. Yes, you, sitting behind the keyboard with that random look on your face. You are f****ng Awesome, duuuude. Yay you!
So, here are some other things I'm thankful for:
1. The N82 My Dad bought me =D
2. How my friends wished me a happy birthday (and the whole surprise fiesco ... wow, this really was a shocking moment. No, seriously. I've never been so shocked in my life, and I believe everyone that witnessed it were to. But I can't tell you why ... lol)
3. Everyone that sms-ed :) Thank youu! Specially Sheeds, You're the best! You're sms made me laugh out loud :p but I'm sure you knew it would.
I'm thankful for this Laptop I'm using right now ... How much fun is this, I can write this blog post while lying down on the couch in front of the AC. Yay this laptop.
I'm thankful for my ps3 sitting right there, running GTA IV right now. That game is the bomb. The ps3 is the bomb.
I'm thankful for that N82 sitting on my desktop. That cell phone makes digital cameras want to go kill themselves.
And I'm thankful for everyone that's by my side Right Now.
Amiina! I loove you! *mmuah* You mean the world to me, and I thought you should know on this special blog post right here :)
My Friends and Family! Pijohn, Lala, Finky, Mahd, Mattarwa, Faisal, Geeboo ... people far away right now, Sheeds!! and Nobii!! and my Family; My parents, My Siblings; Monaki, Kumayo and Bumber. You people rock!! Oh, and God rocks to an Epic proportion. God goes first on the list.
And any names I haven't taken, don't think this isn't meant for you. If you're here reading this; THANK YOU, All this is for you too.
Wow ... :D Thanks for being so YOU, everyone. My life is AWESOME and you're part of it, which makes the 75% of it's awesomeness. The rest is all me though =D (gotta love yourself)
Oh, and uh, you know the drill. I'll take this time right here to wish a special person that shares their birthday with me. =) You know who you are, I hope you're as happy as I am and getting everything you've ever wanted. Happy Birthday.
Aah, and of course. Everyone can be a pain in the neck sometimes. If I've ever been, I'm sorry
=( No one's sure of how much longer we have to live, so if you're mad at me, please stop. I'm sorry you bums!
Aah, what else .... I'm glad I'm alive :) I'm thankful for being Alive. And I'm thankful for having YOU right besides me to share my life with. Thank You. I hope your day goes as great as mine. :)
Ooh, Ooh, this is my post, I can thank Greenday! For making such a f'n awesome song. HOLIDAY! Thank you, you crazy haired, tie wearing, music making, weirdos!!
I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies
This is the Dawning of the Rest, of our Liiiives!
May 23, 2008
An Immortality by Ezra Pound
An Immortality
Sing we for love and idleness,
Naught else is worth the having.
Though I have been in many a land,
There is naught else in living.
And I would rather have my sweet,
Though rose-leaves die of grieving,
Than do high deeds in Hungary
To pass all men's believing.
Ezra Pound
May 13, 2008
... what music is to the masses.
I'm going to try something new here. Since I like asking questions, I'll give you a set of questions, and you have to answer each by writing in the comments. Then, in a day or two I'll put up everyone's answers (and including mine too) to decide on what everyone agrees to, or just how people generally think.
And to start things off, I'm going to pick Music as my first subject.
* The kind of music you think everyone should listen to.
* The kind of music you think should never be produced.
* The kind of music you think really revolutionized the way people look at things.
* The kind of music you think is really taking the world down with it.
* What's the best guitar solo you've ever heard? If you've ever heard one, that is.
* What is it that you used to listen to back in the days, and regret listening to, now?
* Okay, everyone has that particular thing they listen to but are ashamed to tell anyone. Maybe it just doesn't go with their ''image'' or maybe they just don't want people to know. What's yours?
* Do you have ideas, concerning music that you would like to share? Just a yes or no is fine.
That's it. Answers go in the comments. And then you get to see them and everyone else's (who took the quiz) here, in a few days.
Mine for the taking.
The feeling you get when you think of that is, satisfying. If I can get everything I've worked for till now, I can get everything I work for in the future. Optimism. (Luck sold separately)
I tried installing this Linux distribution a few days ago, called Ubuntu. And I did it using the easiest method (which the think tanks at the Ubuntu offices just thought up) called Wubi. A Windows Ubuntu Installer. Wubi. Touche'.
But alas, nothing is that easy. The first time around when I partitioned my hard disks to install Gutsy Gibbons (yes, that is what Ubuntu 7.04 is called... ubuntu, gutsy gibbons, I know right) the bootloader (called Grub ... surprised? really?) failed to recognize the hard disk it had to load Ubuntu from, all because of my two SATA hard disks that I connected a little time ago. Heh.
So I quickly formatted that partition, removed Ubuntu from the OS Choice Menu by fixing Window's MBR and then when Hardy Heron (which is Ubuntu 8.10) came out, it came packaged with Wubi. But that is flawed too. One faulty shutdown (by pressing in the power button) or faulty restart (with the restart button) and BAM. Your hard disks fail to mount. And that too, the one where Ubuntu is installed. So, no boot. Only this command line terminal (which is the built-in Debian shell) called Ash. Ash ... that one isn't that bad, actually ... weird.
So anyway. Now I await an answer from the Ubuntu Forums. And no one has any, really. Except the routine restart your computer and safely shut it down OR run Chkdsk /r on the cmd prompt. But that didn't work for me, now, did it. Heh.
Other than that, I've been keeping myself busy by finally coming to an end on my procrastination run, and finally filling out the forms to the Community College in Philly. Yay me.
Now, to complete this post, a random thought:
How much woodchuck the woodchuck chucks, is completely dependent on who the woodchuck is and what tree the wood is from ... How senseless is that question, then?
Feb 18, 2008
The things I treasure most in life ... cannot be taken away.
I'll have to look for another place
to hide all my belongings
I'll try to find all that I've lost
for so many years I've been longing
I've lost so much...
but the thing I miss the most is my sanity.
I had a very weird dream last night, and I woke up really, really angry. But hey, at least I'm not depressed. Maybe I've found this way of channeling my depression/agony into wrath/anger.
Maybe I am sad. Sadness equals fear, equals anger. The equation of my life.
I decided to go nomad for a while, and just walk around my neighborhood for a while. It was ... satisfying. A pack of cigarettes, a troubled mind, the dry - hot Riyadh weather, and the breeze of wind to make sure you remember it's still winter. This is what made my "walk" satisfying.
Oh, and then of course was the feeling of being completely lonely, that gives me this other feeling. It's not a bad feeling, or maybe it is, but all I know is, I like it. Maybe it's my way of getting away from it all, or just my way of fulfilling my need to be cut off from the rest of the world for a couple of minutes. In my head, the space of my own. Where I go to think, or to stop thinking. They're both the same thing to me, because I start thinking for my sake, when I decide to stop thinking for (or about) everyone and everything else. I need space. My head is where I go to find it.
I was up a few nights in succession, and penned a few thoughts, scribbled a few lines. One thing I wrote down, which I remember right now, was;
"I write. I'm a 'poet'. Everything is art to me, and everything is poetic. Nature is art, and my life and me living it, is art too. And therefore I stay sad ... But I can't complain. It's just poetic justice."
Being sad, being an indirect reference to being Bipolar.
So bipolar ... but I owe my life to it, in a sense. Bear in mind, I'm not judging my life or explaining if it is satisfactory or not. You decide. I have made a mental note, an objective, to stick to it and not worry if it's up to par or not. Because the leash is in my hand, and I can steer ... then why complain? As far as writing down my thoughts of this thunderstorm in my head is concerned ... that's what I do. Don't think of it as complaining, this makes me happy for a while. Having a place to let go off your thoughts is a luxury ... knowing how to, is a gift. And I like luxuries. I'm thankful for my gifts.
Feb 1, 2008
Loose Ends
This is the 100th post .. and it was supposed to be a big happy one, but .. no, it's not a sad one either.
*writer's block*
I'm editing this post .. I deleted what I wrote here yesterday, and I'm going to start over today from this point ..
I have a list I'd like to make here .. to share a little wisdom, or to just give some insight on how I see things. Some points, that I've noticed reign true in life:
- "If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it was meant to be" is a quote straight from the books ... and only for, the books. In reality, even if you set your 'love' free, and it does come back? You're going to kill it yourself ...
- I push away everything I have. I've pushed away my parents. I'm pushing away my friends. I've pushed away everything I always wanted ... and I'm pushing away life ...
- Happiness is just a state of mind. True happiness doesn't exist. There is no true happiness. You can not achieve true happiness. It's a myth .. a lie.
- They say time teaches you everything ... however one thing it can never teach you is not to be hurt. No matter how many times you've been hurt, whenever something happens to hurt you .. it feels new all over again ..
- It's fear that gives men wings. It's also fear that takes away from you everything you have ... fear turns into anger ... anger ends with regret ...
- There is no 'undo' button ... yes, you learn from your mistakes. But there's no going back. Only forward ... to make more mistakes, eventually.
- Life is a lesson ... you learn it when you're through.
- Only love can heal a wounded heart. And why not? It's love that wounds it to begin with.
- In this time, in this world, you have to learn not to love someone a 100% .. not to submit completely, not to give in to love, not to trust ... don't make that mistake. And since love has been altered like that, it's not 'love' anymore ... true love doesn't exist.
- People that are close to you claim they'll stay with you even when you're sad ... that's a lie. Don't show people you're weakness ... don't show them you're hurt, vulnerable, and sad .. you'll either be taken advantage of, or left alone with your vulnerability ...
- People fail to notice, it's depression and fear that's the root of all anger. When someone's angry at you, that's when they need you the most ... ironically, that's when people decide to leave you ...
- People that claim to love you should know what you want when you do ... but apparently when you're asking the wrong way, they're the first to leave ...
- Everyone's got a story to tell ... and unfortunately, everyone's also got their own reasons, and their own compulsion to do what they do ...
- Usually in depression, you just want to sleep. Forget everything, and close your mind. Irony is a bitch. That's exactly when you can't fall asleep.
- Usually in depression, when you realize you haven't eaten since long ... the bitch, irony, steps in and you can't digest food anymore ...
- You push away everything, mostly when you need what you push away. I would sue irony.
- You don't realize what you've done wrong till long after. You don't realize who you should've trusted since long after. You don't realize what you should've kept, till long after. Unfortunately, till long after usually means ... for the rest of your life.
- If you have a tendecy of forgiving and completely trusting people ... people will never forgive you back, and no one trusts you.
- They say people can be judged within minutes. It usually takes thems "till long after" to realize they've made the wrong judgement about me, though ... In an intense hate relationship with the word Irony now.
- Justice is not a word. Words have meanings.
- No feeling like the feeling you get when you try to fix something, and it crumbles in your hands, falling through your fingers like sand ... or sharp steel razors, actually.
- You realize you want to push everything away once you realize the world's just a big lie. Once you realize, you're living a lie ... and once you realize you've been living a lie, all your life.
- People will tell you what to do in your moment of shame, pain and agony. But one big reason why it doesn't work; they're not the ones going through it. You have to face the storm, to realize how cold and destructive it really is.
- When people see someone in pain and trouble, and help them. It's not because they care. It's because they don't want the guilt of not helping them ... and so they try to help them as soon as they can, so it's over with soon. Basically they're just helping yourself. No one helps someone else, ever.
- A depressed mind is the worst author. Not in the literal sense of the word "worst" though ...
- True, authors try to make readers happy. But marketing sadness, and packaging it to sell it, is famous for working in this world.
- We're all feeding our own depressions inside us, to gain some importance in this big vast, sad world.
"Our generation has no great wars, no great depressions. Our wars are spiritual, our depressions are our lives" - Chuck Palahniuk. - People that make no mistakes, are not actually doing anything.
- "Look at the mistakes of others as mildly as if they were your own." Chinese proverb that didn't make it big because it's a fish eat fish world. An eye for an eye, and so everyone is blind.
- There's a reason and meaning for everything. Everything.
- Don't ever promise what you can't fulfill ...
Jan 19, 2008
The logic behind my hating choices isn't complicated as much as it is a difference in thinking. Different than any other, I believe there is no need to have choice. Look past choice, and wonder if you can have it both ... have it all, instead of limiting yourself to a number. I have a thing against limitations. My belief, that the whole world can be held into your hands ... as long as there are no limits ... and the first step is realization.
Of course, then again, I have had this comparison with Greek Philosopher Socrates made a couple of times ... they say his thoughts were different than all other philosophers ... so significant was his contribution, that everything else was either Post-Socrates or Pre-Socrates ...
If I can let you live life as you want to, I deserve the same. Honor me with what I ask, for it's not a lot ... I'm just asking to live my life ...
A Chinese Proverb goes a little something like
"Deal with the faults of others as gently as with your own."
And in a more relative fashion, I'd like to quote the lyrics of Alice in Chains guitarist, Jerry Cantrell , for the Alice in Chains song, "Would";
"Into the flood again, same old trip it was back then ... So I made a big mistake ... try to see it once my way... Am I wrong? Have I run too far to get home?"
One fear I've always had was the fear of being lonely ... I've struggled with loneliness all my life ... as a child, when all I did was sit in my corner looking at the world pass me by. And then, when people decided to leave, ever so careless, I looked back at what I've become and wonder ...
Am I to blame? Is it all my fault? It has to be ... Since all chances are taken away in the blink of an eye ... people become careless to a lot of things, it's anger that makes them ...
I don't have anyone to blame ... I don't have anything to regret either, since I don't believe in regrets anymore ...
All I can do is blame myself ... for being so different, I guess ... for having my own thoughts and my own ways ...
... I have no choice.
Jan 12, 2008
Year 2007 was a common year starting on Monday. In the Chinese Calendar, dates from February 18 onwards are in the Year of the Boar (or Pig)
Events of 2007
- January 10 - U.S. President George W. Bush announces a plan to station 21,500 additional troops in Iraq.
- January 12 - Comet McNaught, the brightest comet in over 40 years, makes perihelion.
- January 17 - Protests occur in India and the United Kingdom against the British series of Celebrity Big Brother after Jade Goody, Danielle Lloyd and Jo O'Meara were alleged to have been racially abusive towards Bollywood star Shilpa Shetty.
- January 17 - Hurricane force winds from storm Kyrill claim at least 40 lives in western Europe.
- January 30 - Microsoft releases Windows Vista and Office 2007
- February 2 - An unseasonal tornado in central Florida kills at least 20 people.
- February 3 - State of Emergency is declared in Indonesia after 'El Nino'-like flooding.
- February 11 - The 49th Annual Grammy Awards take place at the Staples Center in Los Angeles.
- March 3 - Total lunar eclipse.
- March 31 - Sydney, Australia, turns off its lights for 1 hour between 7:30pm and 8:30pm as a political statement for Global Climate Change.
- April 2 - Smoke ban in enclosed places in Wales
- April 11 - Al Qaeda claims responsibility for two bomb blasts in the Algerian capital of Algiers. At least 33 people have been killed and 222 others injured.
- April 17 - The Pound Sterling hits a 15-year high against the US dollar, breaking through the US$2 level for the first time since 1992.
- April 25 - The Burj Dubai reaches the height of the Sears Tower on its way to becoming the tallest building in the world.
- May 4 - Tornado strikes Greensburg, Kansas, killing at least 12 and destroying about 90% of the town.
- June 6 - Twelve people are killed by cyclone Gonu in Oman.
- June 8 - The Space Shuttle Atlantis successfully launched on mission STS-117.Launch of the Space Shuttle Atlantis
- June 25 - WWE wrestler Chris Benoit, his wife Nancy Benoit, and son Daniel, are found dead as the result of a murder-suicide that took place over the previous weekend.
- June 25 - Intense heatwaves begin to hit Southeast Europe as temperatures reach 46c in Bulgaria and Greece.
- June 28 - In the aftermath of Greece's worst heatwave in a century, at least 11 people are reported dead from heatstroke, approximately 200 wildfires break out nationwide, and the country's electricity grid nearly collapses due to record breaking demand.
- June 29 - Apple's new iPhone is released in the US
- July 1 - Smoking in public and work places is banned in England.
- July 1 - Smoking is banned in pubs and clubs in New South Wales and Victoria, Australia.
- July 4 - The 50-star U.S. flag becomes the longest-flying American flag, replacing the 48-star flag that flew from 1912 to 1959.
- July 7 - Live Earth Concerts are held throughout 9 major cities around the world.
- July 21 - The final epic novel in J.K. Rowling's bestselling series Harry Potter, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, was released selling over 8 million copies in the first 24 hours.
- July 29 - Iraq wins its first Asian Cup football championship, beating Saudi Arabia 1-0.
- August 4 - Smoking in public places is banned in Slovenia.
- August 8 - The Space Shuttle Endeavour is successfully launched on mission STS-118.
- August 12 - Tiger Woods wins PGA Championship, his 13th career major.
- August 14 - Pakistan marks the 60th anniversary of their independence from the British Empire.
- September 13 - The Burj Dubai became the world's tallest free standing structure after surpassing the CN Tower in Toronto.
- September 25 - Microsoft released Halo 3, made by Bungie 3.3 Million copies have been sold and helped sell over 500,000 Xbox360's.
- October 1 - The minimum age for purchasing tobacco products is raised from 16 to 18 across England and Wales.
- October 6 - Presidential election occurs in Pakistan.
- October 18 - After 8 years in exile, Benazir Bhutto returns to her homeland Pakistan. The same night, suicide attackers blow themselves up near Bhutto's convoy, killing 136 in the cheering crowd, including 20 police officers. Bhutto escaped uninjured.
- October 20–November 9 - Wildfires in Southern California result in the evacuation of more than 1,000,000 people and destroying over 1,600 homes and businesses.
- October 26 - Apple Inc. launch the sixth major release of their Mac OS X operating system entitled, Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard.
- November 3 - President Pervez Musharraf declares state of emergency in Pakistan.
- November 28 - President of Pakistan Pervez Musharraf stands down as the head of the Pakistan Army and was successed by Lt. General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani.
- December 10 - Led Zeppelin reunites in London, England, for the Ahmet Ertegün tribute.
- December 15 - President of Pakistan Pervez Musharraf had lifted the State of Emergency in Pakistan.
- December 27 - Former Pakistani prime minister Benazir Bhutto is assassinated, and at least 20 others are killed by a bomb blast at an election rally in Rawalpindi.
Ongoing in 2007:
- January 30 - Sidney Sheldon, American author and screenwriter (b. 1917)
- December 27 - Benazir Bhutto, Pakistani politician (b. 1953)