Dec 14, 2006

Original Story :

I’ve always asked myself who sent the first e-mail, ever and whether if he was aware of the fact that he would be starting an evolutionist era for the future generations. For those of you who had asked themselves this question at least once until now, and for those of you who are just curious in finding out the answer, I have searched around and found a few hints.

I like to think that the sending of the first e-mail message was of the same impact of the first phone call ever made, or the one of the first telegram ever sent. Huge.

It might be disappointing, but the first e-mail message wasn’t much of an informational one. But I’ll start with the beginning. Before the Internet, there was a computer network called ARPANET, developed by the U.S. Defense Department with the help of a company called Bolt, Beranek and Newman.

To skip to the point, the first message was sent by Ray Tomlinson, a computer engineer at the above mentioned company, in 1971. He was located in Cambridge, Massachusetts and he sent an e-mail message from his computer to another computer right next to him. It was a test message, it appears. Something like “QWERTYUIOP”. He was actually playing around with two programs called SNDMSG and READMAIL that allowed users to leave messages to each other on the same machine. He merged the two files with a third program called CYPNET (a file sharing program, between computers). The combined technology allowed people to send and receive files that could be appended between different machines.

Despite his success with the e-mail, Ray Tomlinson is better known to the general population as the guy who introduced the “@” locator in e-mail addresses. Like I said in the beginning, I wonder if he realized the impact he will cause. What do you think?

--------------------- this article is belongs to ---------------------

Life is good blogging ...

Here I am, thinking of what to do next.

I just got introduced to

Wordpress! Another competitor for blogger?

Since wordpress is something different, you know I had to try it. so there.

Another blog?! Yes, I'm CRAZY. But I get bored too soon :(

And wordpress has some wicked themes too ...

BUT, since Blogger has archived so many of my posts already, i'm not going to give up on it. Wordpress only gets top class information, that might be needed in the future, while blogger gets that, and random posts!

Yup ... life is good blogging.

powered by performancing firefox

Dec 1, 2006

On hiatus and enjoying it ... well, not really ...

Math C1 and C2 exam on January 10th and M1 on January 12th.

How can I enjoy if I'm doing that? Simple. I can't.

But here I am testing out this new blogging tool that works with firefox ... firefox is the bomb ... too bad internet explorer couldn't do the same ... oh well ...

Since this blogging tool seems to be working, I'll be off. This was fun.

Thanks for coming.

B3 3L33T!

Performancing for Firefox is a full featured blog editor built right into your browser

powered by performancing firefox

Oct 31, 2006

And so it comes to an end ....

almost 5 months of never ending, fun life. Fun life you ask? Unscheduled, happy go lucky, go to sleep here, wake up there at the beginning of the day on another timezone ... the fun life.

But as the famous saying goes
"All Good Things Must Come To An End"

... and so it ends ...

How I'll miss it all from the beginning.

1. xt and ila crashing in riyadh. meeting Dan the tey and really hanging out for the first time.
2. sarmad, don, dk and razee done wid their exams ... finally, the party-ing beginds and old times ... done all over again ...
3. The no time to sleep, all day awake routine. Sleep where your head finds rest mode. Crash at friends place, get kicked out, walk all the way to your home, find taxi, fill with 3 friends and self, go to home, friends sleep on floor, you sleep on your bed, and wake up at night day.

aah, im gonna miss it all.
The daily shawarmas ... *groan* and each day ... billiards, counter strike ... TOPIs' and LPC Babbys' ... daamn it was fun ...

Now that the ppl that've joined unis' head to the airport back to their uni lives, and all the rest get back to the routine, its time for the well enjoyed 4 1/2 month vacation to finally end.

3 months of holiday after exam ended
Eye operation, and recovery for like 2 weeks ;)
Ramadan and finally ... Eid ... aahhhh, but now it all comes to an end ... and how :

Math exam in january. Pak trip scheduled in december :S
School started, only 2 classes, but workload on the head from the beginning ... anyone, help me find the DO HOLIDAY ALL OVER AGAIN button? If there is one ...

But we all know it ... that before we all know it ... it'll be 'fun life' time again ... so let's take a break from the break ... because we all also know ...

When Danish989 comes to party ... it soon turns into a lifestyle ...

Oct 15, 2006

There's a new way to keep in touch with Danish989!

And most importantly : take a look at all the Danish989 Resume'
Mainly, all that Danish989 has been upto on the internet. For like, 4 years now? More probably.

Who's counting riiiight?

Easy to remember too: www DOT All Things 989 DOT 4t (subdomain name) DOT com

Now, it may be ad ridden cuz of the free hosting. And, after I get it redirected to an easier to remember URL, It's gon have even more ads.

So here's what I purpose : Get The Google Toolbar Already!! Not only, will you be able to search on the fly, via the fastest most trustworthy search engine. It will also keep all those bloody popup ads' away.
Get it NOW. Go google for google toolbar.

Oh, and when I was talking about my Resume' I think when you google "Danish989" the 435 results should speak for themselves ...

yes, I love to brag ... cuz I have all rights too!

- Danish989

Sep 29, 2006

Click To Enlarge.

My Inspiration : Life.
Dedicated to all of you ... thank you for being here ...
And yes : I like to go big. It's how I do it.

Jun 28, 2006

Life is the strangest thing that a person can experience.

Because all other experiences, strange, sane, insane, and all other kinds, fall into that category.


It gives meaning to the saying "Well, That's Life"

Sh*t happens and the first thing your friends tell you is "Well, That's Life"

Why is that life?? Why is that not sh*t happening?

Because sh*t happening is just a short life span, compared to a whole life.

Sh*t Happening, is a category in the genre' called Life.

And be sure to have a go through of this category a lot of times. Because life won't be complete without this main building block.

But being ready for it is the biggest antivirus or firewall you can run to ensure safety. Of your motherboard, of course. Yes, i'm talking about the juicy organ in your skull.

So the solution to life :

In the famous words of some wicked, yet wise, street people of india:

"Tension Lenay Ka Nahin, Denay Ka"

Yes, that runs true most of the time. So keep this words in mind : "F*** IT" and "Not Worth It"

And you should get along real fine with the application called Life.

And hats off to the people who can live without the CTRL+ALT+DEL keys ...

- Danish989

Jun 16, 2006

So the world's funniest joke has been traced :

The joke runs as follows: Two hunters are out in the woods in New Jersey when one of them collapses. He doesn't seem to be breathing and his eyes are glazed.
The other guy whips out his phone and calls the emergency services. He gasps 'My friend is dead! What can I do?' The operator says: 'Calm down, I can help. First, let's make sure he's dead.' There is a silence, then a shot is heard. Back on the phone, the guy says 'OK, now what?'

Complete Story :

Jun 11, 2006

Wonderful ...

my experience watching Catch Me If You Can again ...

My holidays have started!! 3 months of ... living life to the max !!!

But lets talk about Catch Me If You Can first ...
It's just amazing! A 'masterpiece' like all others, by Steven Spielberg ...

The true story of Frank Abagnale Jr and how this con artist made fools out of major countries ...

In america only, he played the roles of a Co Pilot, A Doctor, A Lawyer, A Teacher ... and even got out of the hands of cops when he made them believe he was a part of the S.S.I , which were not even involved in the case!

Truly Inspiring and Amazing.
Today, Frank Abagnale Jr makes more than a million every year, which he gets from major companies because he has safeguarded their systems. And made banking more foolproof.

They say the lock was invented by a thief ...

All right! Back to my holidays! :D
The day I had my last exam, I was out of the house for 17 hours!! Doing what? Having sheesha with my mates and just doing what we love to do : circle the city and wonder what to do next ...

But it's great so far ... my mates, dragster sam, razee and zohaib don't get off from examz till the end of july ... so till then its only me and me palz lalaz and shado ...

Anyhow, enough funny names that you don't understand ... Here's an advice for the day :

If you haven't seen Catch Me If You Can yet, rent it on DVD or buy it, because you HAVE TO SEE IT ...
AT LEAST once a lifetime ...

One more movie that you MUST see at ALL costs :
A Beautiful Mind ... another masterpiece!!

All right, you figure out who has that movie and how you're going to get it, until then I have to go email some really really important people ... no, not Steven Spielberg, only someone really close ;)

Take Care, The World ...


May 28, 2006

Waaaattuppppp Peeeeeeeeeeeeoplee!

And thanks for comin!!

although don have anything to say at the moment .. although keep in ur mind dat its my bday tomorrow! Yes, My 17th year completed! ohh boyy .. and what do i have to do tommorow?!

Study for examzZ!! :( :( :( :( :(

how UNCOOL is THAT?!?

Totaaally uncool if u ask me .....

yea, but its gon be a wild day in riyadh once they end!!! Its PArtttay TimmEE Babbayyy ...

Now, if u'll excuse me, I've got some preparing for tutions to do .. you keep in touch .. and wait till I get ADSL .. ohh babbbyyy, thats gon be da LYFE!!


May 10, 2006

Welcome Back peeps...

It's time once again for exams to reign on our heads and torture the bloody pulp out of our brains ... or at least mine anyway ...

Don't be surprised if you don't see any posts for a few days now, because; believe it or not, sometimes I study as well ...

Okay, here's my schedule I'm posting up once again. Why? Aah, just so you can read and say;

"Oh, poor him. He's got an exam on thursday as well. And just look at the bloody timing! Damn..."

Or something like that anyway.

Note : C1 C2 and are on the same day. And Physics Unit 1 2 and 3 !!! Aaargh!!

21 May, Sunday - Physics Practical ~ 0900 - 1030 AM
22 May, Monday - Core Mathematics 1 (C1) ~ 0900 - 1030 AM
22 May, Monday - Core Mathematics 2 (C2) ~ 0130 - 0300 AM
6 June, Tuesday - Mechanics Unit 1 (M1) ~ 0130 - 0300 AM
8 June, Thursday - Computing Unit 1 : Computer Systems ~ 0130 - 0300 AM
8 June, Thursday - Computing Unit 2 : Design and Organising Info System ~ 0330 - 0500 PM
9 June, Friday - Physics Unit 1 - Mechanics and Radioactivity ~ 0900 - 1015 AM
9 June, Friday - Physics Unit 2 - Electricity and Thermal Physics ~ 1045 - 1200 NOON
9 June, Friday - Physics Unit 3 - Topics ~ 1200 - 1230 NOON

Just look at the timing!! Computing 2 ends at 5:00pm and just next day I have physics!! Aaaargh!!
Wish me good luck peeps, as I enter No Man's Land and wish to come out with my sanity untouched!

- Danish989

May 6, 2006

Hey, thanks for tuning in but no time today ...

so big time post coming up tommorow ... stay tuned yea?

- Danish989

May 5, 2006

Blogging was always a lot of fun.

Me, I like the fact that My Words are being ... somehow, "Published" for the world to read. Even though that's still a distant dream, the world doesn't come to read my blog ... yet ... But it still is available to the world!

Yes, and that feeling I Love.

It's like owning a radio station. A rebel one-man radio station.

You come on at 3:00 in the morning and people who have tuned in get something to listen to.

They get to listen to you blabber and they wonder "Who the Hell IS This Guy?!"

A one-man radio station and a blog isn't much different. They're quite the same...

1. The reader/listener can go away if he doesn't like what he reads/listens to
2. The guy behind the keyboard/behind the mic doesn't necessarily have anything important to say
3. Conspiracy Theories
4. A person's views that a lot of other people can say NO to
5. A person's views that a lot of other people can say YES to

I always wanted to own a radio station. So I could come on at 3:00 in the morning and wonder if anyone's listening to me ... but not really care, because I'm there anyway ...

But since I've only lived half my life (I hope there's a lot more left) I've come to know that at this point I can only own a blog. And also realised that grown man can't afford to own a radio station and so they end up owning a blog instead too.

So it's not that bad ...

It's cool, infact.

Your thoughts published just by the click of a button. Yes, A BUTTON. Literally ... once you navigate all the way to NEW POST and write down your thoughts you just have to press the PUBLISH button, so that IS just ONE button.

It's amazing ... it's a writer's paradise. You can start here and maybe at a point in your life end up writing for a newspaper. No one might still read your collumn but at least you've gotten somewhere ...

The internet.
It's an AMAZING place ... you can start your career as a model, a photographer ... a designer or even a writer ...

Get an account at or and upload your pictures as a model ... get rated (couldn't think of any other term) by the people that see your pictures (and God knows that else they do, but let's not talk about that) Or you can put up your photoshop works ... get rated again (okay, you tell me what other word I could've used) , but this time you can be sure that only decent people will look at your art (or even if they aren't, nothing undecent is going to happen ... but let's not talk about that either)

You can own a blog ... start writing and maybe continue your whole life ... or you can start skinning other people's creations ... so you get the feeling of being liked by anonymous people that download your skins ... then eventually you can get hired by some big a** company and skin their program ... create big $$

It's an amazing place ...

But an even amazing thing is, you get to meet people that you'll probably NEVER meet ...

Yes, go figure ...

While I think of what to do with my life ...

Thank you for coming, and don't stop!

- Danish989

May 3, 2006

All right! One more time now ...

Somehow it's really hard to start these things ... you just don't know how ... it's like a writer's block with a door. You're sitting inside the block, and then when you open the door (start writing) the rest is easy. Just blabber and write whatever you feel like. Hey. It's a blog. What do you expect?

Anyhow, here's something fun 4 the day:

Some pretty good msn nicknames (and deep thoughts)
. If I want your opinion, I will rattle your cage.
. My imaginary friend thinks your crazy.
. Yesterday it worked, today it doesnt. Yup... That's Microsoft Windows for you...
. Reality is the only obstacle to happiness!
. You're still ugly ... pass me another beer ...
. Theres always a light at the end of a tunnel ... just pray its not a train
. I'm not lazy, I'm just happy doing nothing
. I'm not smiling at you, I'm just trying not to laugh ...
. I'm thinking, but nothing's happening!
. Ever stop to think, and forget to start again?
. Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't.
. Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool.
. Earn easy cash in your spare time by blackmailing friends.
. I said "No" to drugs, but they just wouldn't listen!
. Sarcasm is just one more service I offer...
. Dont steal, the government hates competition
. I fear No Man ... I've got a gun ...

Guess it's time for some ''news'' now...
But wait... I couldn't find any! Oh yes, today is a boring day. Live with it.

Finally, have you heard Sini Ne from that movie Jawani Diwani? If you can understand what he's saying then you should DEFINATELY listen to it. The remix sucks but the original is just Awesome.

And if you manage to find it in mp3 format give me the link too.

Take Care ya'll and thanks for coming! (this doesn't mean you can stop)

- Danish989

May 2, 2006

Alritey then ...

Let's get re-introduced again

making sense is not an issue, as most of you have come to accept me as the crackhead that I am...

but for new comers! Who cares.

let's get to the point.

Blog or no blog, this is my space so I write what I want to, and It gives me the feeling of ... ownership ...

like the feeling that books satisfy ... yup, that's the one ...

So, let's see ... the latest I heard was petrol prices fell here which means no more paying your friend for extra patrol the next time you go to billiardz wid him in Riyadh.

while petrol prices got raised in pak. wonder what the world is coming to ...

Is petrol all that is left? I mean comon! Work harder on using ... ahem ... waste sources ... as the Next Energy Source!

Try using light! Do something new! Enough camera mobiles and LCD screens!

Let's talk REVOLUTIONARY!!!!

Easier said than done would be the answer to that one.

Anyhow, change of topic :

You should note that you can COMMENT on every post. Of course, you wouldn't really enjoy that but still ... do it ... yes NOW ...

And hmm ... I still feel there's something missing ...

Aah! How about some, News?

Quick Fact: News is called NEWS because N stands For North while E W and S stand for East West and South, respectively. This word was chosen to give a basic idea that NEWS will cover the stuff that happens all over the globe. Is that neat, or what?

Nintendo has decided to give it's console a new name : Nintendo Wii
“Wii” is pronnounced “we” which, according the company, shows "that the new console is for everyone". However, Nintendo fans across the globe are already creating mock slogans for the console, including “Eat, Sleep and Wii”.

Is that cool or what? Oh yes ...

US rapper Snoop Doggy Dogg has been arrested at Heathrow Airport following an incident that left some seven police offices injured. According to police, thirty people were involved in the disturbance at Heathrow’s business lounge.

Scotland Yard made a statement regarding the incident, saying: "The party was told that they would not be permitted to board their flight and officers then attempted to direct the group to baggage reclaim.” 5 of Snoop’s entourage were also arrested.

Wonder what they use to keep the jail floors clean ... without a doubt it's BLEEYAATCH.

Okay, now that THAT's fallen flat as well, let's just say goodbye and wish to meet another day.

And Soon Too!

This is it from Danish989 ... take care ya'll
and keep coming back ...

- Danish989

Apr 30, 2006


My Archives date back to

2003 !!!!!


I've been blogging since 2003?!?!??

Amaaaaaaaaaziiiiiiing . . . .

- Danish989

look, i did blog after almost a year!

my last post last year WAS my date sheet :-

damn .... amazing, thats what dis is ...

seems i stopped blogging when exams started and never continued ....

One more reason to hate exams :p

don worry though, wont stop now ...

I've been blogging for 1 and a half years dis means ...

Simply Amazing...

- Danish989
Okay so how long has it been?

really long, if you ask me...

and what have I been doing for .. hmm, how long has it been, a year?

I've been wasting time on crap while I should be writing to my precious Blog :-

Anyhow, I'm back as you can see... I've grown up a lot, and gained a lot of experience *ahem ahem*

So let's make this the best experience you'll ever get on a blog.

Starting tommorow.

Oh, Wait a sec :- It HAS been a year!! I remember putting up my exam date sheet for last year!

And i was thinking of doing it again .. wow, time flies by really quick ...

Anyhow, thanks all for being here wid me ...

Hope you like reading ... cuz you'll have to start!

- Danish989.