Jun 19, 2008

Metal Gear Solid 4 and Grand Theft Auto 4

Jaw dropping.

One of the many reasons to actually buy a sony playstation 3.

I am actually stumbling for words, while trying to describe Metal Gear Solid 4 and Grand Theft Auto 4. I know, I know, I'm sure you already realize the magnitude of this. These, video games. I'm also actually, wondering to myself if I should call them video games, because that makes it sound like 'just videogames' but this is a life changing experience. MGS 4 and GTA 4 will change lives ...

These two things you HAVE to experience. Seriously.

I can go on and on about what makes them so special, but let me make it short.

Imagine the most amazing and spectacular thing ever. Now multiply it with 10. There you go.

You can start breathing now.

- Danish989

Blogging from within Firefox...

...with this Firefox Add On called ScribeFire.


How, bloody neat. This is nothing new, I've used another blogging utility from within Firefox before, and that was almost the same as this (don't remember it's name, though) but what makes this one special is, that I installed it right in time with Firefox 3.

Yes, that's right, Mozilla Firefox 3. www.firefox.com for more information.

That's all for now!

Life is right now.

- Danish989.

Jun 16, 2008

Checking In

Ok, so I am finally installing Ubuntu on my laptop, but apparently my installation CD is messed up, and so installation stops in the middle and I have to rollback all hard disk resizing, and that too manually. Ok, sure. I also have a change of mind, and decide to install Ubuntu on top of Windows, like on my desktop system, but it will be stabler on the laptop, since this IS a Dell Latitude ... one of the many laptops specifically made to run Ubuntu. I mean, fine tweaked for Linux. How cool is that.

But guess what. Wubi, the Windows Ubuntu Installer, needs to download 600 MB of installation files (which make up the ISO which I burnt into the cd, which im running Wubi from) BUT ... there have been updates, and therefore, I have to wait 3 hours for the installation files to be downloaded. Ok, cool. So I decide to take my laptop to bed so I can lie down and watch an episode of Supernatural as download progresses. BUT, I accidently remove my wireless router's adapter from it's place, thus killing my laptop's wireless internet connection, and immaturely killing my download.

Ok, so I've come to the conclusion that I'll just install Wubi tommorow.

In other news, I'm not writing this in blogger right now, I'm using this Web Based, Full Screen, Word Processor. And the color scheme is bright green and black. Imagine staring at bright green text and black background for 10 minutes.

This thingy, can be found at: www.writer.bighugelabs.com

Moving on, notice the stars at the bottom of this blog post. Or any other blog post, actually. That's the new rating system I just implemented on my Blog! You can now rate posts on the fly. At least people with any brain power to evaluate a blog post can. Go ahead, try it out. In fact, go ahead and rate all the blog posts below this one. Hehe, thanks.

Like the new color scheme? Leave this post a comment.