Jul 2, 2008

Word Warrior

I just took the Classic IQ Test over at Tickle.com

And my result says:

Word Warrior
Your IQ Score is: 122

You are equipped with a verbal arsenal that enables you to understand complex issues and communicate on a particularly high level. These talents make you a Word Warrior.

Whether or not you recognize it, your vocabulary is your strongest suit—use it whenever you can. Since your command of words is so great, you are also a terrific communicator — able to articulate big ideas to just about anyone. Your wordsmithing prowess will also help in artistic and creative pursuits. The power of words translates to fresh ideas off paper too. Since you have so many words at your disposal, you are in a unique position to describe things in an original way, as well as see the future in your mind's eye. In short, your strengths allow you to be a visionary — able to extrapolate and come up with a multitude of fresh ideas. And you are in good company — bask in the brilliance of Word Warriors who have walked before you. William Shakespeare let loose the power of his pen. His ability to articulate the most subtle nuances of human nature and to create colorful characters are why his stories still have a major impact — even 400 years after he first wrote them. Whether you put pen to paper or use your understanding of the words around you to come up with creative approaches to problems, your potential as a Word Warrior is terrific.


How cool.

Other than that, I remembered a while ago I recieved some chain mail that said something about figuring out your personality based on your email address, looking at how you placed your underscores, how many there were, and if you used numbers in your email or not.

So, I grew curious as to find out what my email address meant (because I don't remember the result from that chain mail) and I googled for a while, but unfortunately I could not find the same exact thing.

What I did find, however, was what your personality says according to your domain name:

What Does Your Email Address Say About You?

Go ahead and check it out, even if it's not the most accurate, maybe you'll still find something to laugh at.

Oh, and if you do know where I can see the thing I was originally looking for, do tell me!

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