Ok, so. Rij said it'd be ok if I be completely random, so I'm going to do just that. Be completely random.
Did absolutely nothing today, haven't been doing absolutely anything for a while now, and it's getting on my own nerves now. Have photoshopped a bunch of pictures I took in Philadelphia, will put them up soon somewhere, thinking of Flickr. Not sure how it works though, want someplace I can create like an album or something, with some eye candy and what not. Ya' know?
So if you have any suggestions or whatever. Be kind and leave em. See, its kind of like this, magazine type thing I did, like a feature, covering Philadelphia and what not.. or not, actually, just my 6 month stay there. So maybe we'll see like a sequel when I go back. Or something.
Hey, wait! I've got a new complaint. Forever in debt to your priceless advice. Your advice.
She eyes me like a Pisces when I am weak ...
I need to do a podcast! Need to do so many things and time is running by so fast. It's sad. Blah. =(
The Billie Jean's not my lover. She's just a girl, who says that I am the one. But, the kid is not my son.
She says I am The One.
And now, why this post is called Converse-ation.
There you go, Elmo. ^_^
wow..how long has it been since i commented on your blog?
*pats blog on the back
i'm back.
Khekhekhe. You and Random are, pretty new.
Indeed, someone is waiting for the chosen One to podcast.
By the way, love the title =D.
Converse are the best thign that happened to the shoe.uh..thing..whatever thing it is.
i'm a huge converse fan. But they're so goddamn expensive.
Converse' are all right, I guess. I've grown out of liking them though :/ ... like I do with most things.
Not humans though, people need not worry. *evil smile*
I don't wear them as much because my baggy pants keep scraping the ground, but I still love 'em.
Vans do it for me with the baggy pants ^__^
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