Aug 6, 2009

Walk in the park.

Woke up in the afternoon, with the highest fever I've had in years, and this bad pain in my mouth. Can't take medicine on an empty stomach, and I have no teeth to eat. But thank God for milk.

A glass of milk, multiple pills, and an hour later - after I climbed into two pairs of blankets with the air conditioning off - I doctored myself to the point where I no longer feared for my life.

But the amount of blood I've lost, I have no clue how I'm still alive. It's sad, really. My body is in a constant state of hurt. I can only imagine how it's going to be when they try implanting teeth in my jaw, in a few days.

By far, the most physical pain I've gone through in my life, (yet) is this.


Roshni said...

aww =(

TehBoogieMonsterMan said...


Anonymous said...

I was about to give you the 'just wait till when you're in labour' lecture.. but then I remembered, you're a guy. Damn!

..Yes, bad attempt at a joke.

Hope you get better soon..