Aug 21, 2009

No, really

I beg to dream and differ, from the hollow lies.
This is the dawning of the rest, of our lives ...

It's funny, but I don't think that once you're done feeling a certain way, it's highly unlikely that you'll feel the same exact way ever again. Ever.

It may come close, very close in fact, but it's never going to be the same. Even if it seems the same, if you think about it - deep down inside, it's not.

It's never going to be.

But the million dollar question then has to be - is that a good thing, or a bad thing?

Do you mourn for how you'll never be or feel the same again, or do you make way and be glad for a new beginning - and a chance to make more memories?

Sure, but that doesn't really change the fact that you did leave behind something. Right?

Think about all the times you've lost something, or experienced a feeling. Happiness, love, or content-ness. It's never going to come back, no matter what. And even though that's good for the feelings you don't want to experience anymore, what about the times you'd want to re-live?

Nothing is relive-able.

But everything is at least memorable.

It's funny how I write mostly when I'm suffering from the lack of nicotine. Hmmm .. it's also when I'm most moody. I'm moody almost all the time though ... I'm sure lots of you would agree. Rida agrees.

In fact, she just asked me how I'm not grumpy today. I mean seriously. What the hell? I'm not grumpy ALL the time. God. It's just when something ticks me off - even though something almost always ticks me off, I'm still happy sometimes!

Apparently my dad doesn't like Lamb of God much. Hmmm.

I'm waiting for a friend to show up so I can go out for a while, I feel claustrophobic all of a sudden. Hmmm.

Now I feel guilty for 400 riyal jeans and a 700 camera.

Now I feel guilty for a lot of things I've done recently.

Now I feel guilty for being so narcissistic.

Now I feel guilty for writing this.

Nicotine Withdrawal is a bad thing.

1 comment:

Rida. said...

Everything ticks you off almost all the time so that equals to ALL THE TIME xP
