Sep 26, 2009

Philosophy 101 ~ Prof. Danish A. Rauf

Hello, Class.

I had some very good points for the arguement against "God" and what not in my head, while on the bus home from college. But I just can't recall them anymore. Also about another similar topic, but that's gone too .. I think it was fate and destiny? Oh, here it comes.

I just realized something while saying it out loud in Philosophy class today.

Can it be, that people just choose to believe in Fate and Destiny because it makes everything so much easier for them?

For example, if something doesn't go your way, you can always shrug it off saying "it wasn't meant to be."

Oh, but if things do go your way, it's not fate or destiny, or even luck, it was all you and your hard work. You made it happen so it did, right? Of course.

But if you made it happen, and it did. Then why did you NOT make it happen when it didn't? Where does destiny fly in from out of nowhere.

And the same goes for God. Or at least the popular organized religion version of God. The general population version of God. The average Joe version of God. Almost everyone's version of God, in that context.

There when you want Him to be, not there when things don't work out. Simple.

There when you have shit on your platter and want it to just disappear, but not there when you get what you've always wanted. Typical Human.

Or maybe not, depends on person to person, right? Right.

Diversity, because we're all burning in the melting pot.

But I refuse to, sorry.

Blind faith just doesn't cut it, and proof doesn't ever show up on it's own. And that is the meaning of life for me. I might have just stumbled on to it by mistake, but here it is;

I refuse to close down the doors to where my mind can lead me, just because it's been 'brought down' in these books everyone talks about.

A 5 year old would not be as surprised about a man flying, as much as you would be. And the only reason why, is because we've given up on thinking that man can actually fly. Why?

The picture is so much bigger than you realize. So you wake up, and fall back asleep oblivious of it, but where is the big question mark? Why isn't there, a big question mark? There should be. It's been buried deep down inside of everyone's minds by This World that we've come to terms with.


Did you choose the religion you were handed at birth? Definitely not.

And it's wrong to judge the religion you're born into, is it not? So there is no choice, is there now. And even if there is choice, it's just on the surface. Deep down inside, you can't disobey God, right? And God gets handed to you right at birth.

Let's say there is a 'wrong' religion. Because there are so many, right, not all of them can be the correct ones? How is a person to be blamed if he gets born into the religion and has to follow it for the rest of his life? Because he can't in his right mind deny it, it's unethical and against the laws of religion!

And then again, it's not his fault, right? And if he doesn't 'know' the word of God, he's not getting punished for anything right?

If we wouldn't have been punished if the word of God wasn't preached to us ever, whose idea was it to spread it around and create sinners out of everyone?

What about people that are still in the dark about all these things out there in the world, let alone religion. Say, people still in tribes and what not, that can't even read. Are they not being punished because they don't realize what a Bible is? If not, than I think I would've chosen that path too.

Maybe I have. But it's different, because I'd rather look for myself than just listen and nod in agreement with everyone else. And why can I be blamed? I'm only human, and curiosity was programmed into me. Not my fault, blame it on fate or destiny.

And why not? Is it wrong to try figuring things out? Questioning things? It's not, if God really is merciful and forgiving. And if fate and destiny exists, I'll figure it all out before I meet my end. The good ol' happy ending to any story.

And if I don't, then that would be just sad. But not my fault, again, because destiny wasn't written that way. Why wasn't it? Who do I blame then?

You know what the most pointless thing in life is? People killing each other over religion. Goes to show how stupid mankind really is. As if the Delusion wasn't enough, there are lives being lost to it.

Amazing really. Brings me to my next topic; Conflict amongst humans.

Have you ever noticed how people can talk about World Peace, as if it's something achievable? It's not. It is literally impossible to have World Peace.

Why is that? Because we're all human. And human don't really want peace. We don't. Believe me.

Say you're in a happy relationship with the lad/lass of your dreams. How long before you realize it's getting too dull and boring being all lovey dovey all the time? And meeting on the same page? How long before one of you decides you need to stir things up a little and argue over the stupidest of things?

That's human nature for you.

And without that arguement that you have after that period in time, your 'love' for each other only grows. And you know why?

Because we can't have peace, without war.

We can't have love, without conflict.

We can't have happiness, without sadness. It's just not possible.

And we love conflict. We love war. We love sadness. Us, humans. Think about it, we really do.

And you probably already knew it deep down inside, but couldn't point it out. Well, I've done it for you.

Don't panic, though. All of us are the same. We're all human.

And therefore, realize - that there is no World Peace. It's an illusion we've decided to create.

Just like the Illusion of time. Just like the myth of Happiness.

There can never be Happiness. The pursuit of happiness is just as pointless as looking for World Peace forever. It's not possible. Look instead, for Joy. For joy is a short outburst of what you end up naming 'happiness'.

And it doesn't last forever, but hey - neither does life.

And the illusion of time - that's something just as wonderful.

Do you realize time speeds by a lot faster? Just recently, too, it wasn't happening before, right?

And some people think it's a sign of the apocalypse and judgement day. Hilarious as that is. I know, I wouldn't be laughing if it actually turned out to be right, but here's a thought;

Just how our minds are still open as a child, we don't pay attention to time. We have nothingness and so much space to revolve around in our lives, we're not so captivated by the little details, we're always looking at the bigger picture. And it's ironic, but the bigger picture moves a lot slower. Ellaboration;

Look at the view of planet earth from a satellite somewhere in the sky. Slow moving, and almost dull. Now, after 5 minutes of doing that, realize how slow time just passed by.

And that is the mind of a child that's just only opening up to the universe.

Now, imagine the view of a busy street in New York city. Full of life, like some people like to call it. Full of idiots, like I see it.

Notice how everyone is so busy in their own Mochas' and Lattes' and typing away on to their laptops inside Starbucks as if technology ceases to work at their homes.

Give that not 5, but 10 minutes. And then realize how much faster time flew by this time.

And there you have it folks. It's always been here, in front of us, all that I've just stated.

But I come back to the point I made when I started out with this blog post.

People just choose to believe in Fate and Destiny because it makes everything so much easier for them.

See you in next class, and don't forget to hand in your homework.


Anonymous said...

Ahem, I'd love to debate but I don't think i have enough room in the comment box :)

Anonymous said...

"Because we can't have peace, without war.

We can't have love, without conflict.

We can't have happiness, without sadness. It's just not possible.

And we love conflict. We love war. We love sadness. Us, humans. Think about it, we really do."


Anonymous said...

Unknown said...

i was thinking about your without sadness there would be no happiness comment. my friend wrote a blog talking about how without the negaitive, there would not be the positive and that applies to a lot

Maira said...

bang on right about somethings..I can argue about a few though..:P