Apr 8, 2009


Somehow talking to my friend Wijdan always makes me feel like writing. Maybe it's because we always have these intellectual conversations - very similar to the kind I have with Sarmad - and they always end up making me want to write about something.

Or just pasting my chats, with both those guys mentioned up there, right here for the world to read and witness sheer brilliance.

Wijdan and Sarmad - They're so similar, it's crazy. Both Tauruses.

If you put Sarmad, Wijdan and me in a room, you'll get 5 people in a room.

Tauruses - 1.5 person.
Geminis - 2 people.

Close, yes, but oh so different still.

In other news, Remember that girl Rida I told everyone about? Who I met very long ago on the internet, but then we stopped talking, and out of nowhere she suddenly finds my blog and leaves a comment. Then we talk, and find out we've actually met before on msn through a mutual friend in Bahrain, ages ago.

Well, guess what? I went to Rida's blog a while ago, and turns out she also knows Wijdan. And funny story - Both Rida and Wijdan claim I inspired them to take up blogging. Sarmad too, actually.

Big whoop, and no sarcasm intended!

So anyway, while talking to Wijdan I came up with this idea ~ that we should both pick a single topic to write about, and then post it at the same time, linking to each other posts. So see that happening in the near future.

And that idea I mentioned above is so similar to my idea, that me and Sarmad start reading the same book together, and then discuss it later on, and probably even write a separate review, it's scary.

Life is crazy, is it not? At least mine is. Very, crazy. I love it.

It's almost sad, but breaking off a relationship is meant to make us sad. Someone wise said, emotions aren't meant to be understood. Dangerous is the man who has justified his feelings. I consider myself dangerous in that light.

I've still been leading a roller coaster of a life. I'm depressed one minute, very fucking happy for no fucking reason the next. Seriously considering seeing a counselor. Note: I said considering, but I don't really feel like it or want to go through with it. In fact, I don't think I am going to, really. I probably should, but I won't.

It's 3.45 AM. I have class at 12.20 PM. That's 9 hours, yes, but I need to wake up at 9.30. That's around 6. That is depressing me to no end right now, but I still refuse to go to sleep for some reason. No, not until I'm completely exhausted to lift a finger to type. That's just me; shit crazy. Ooh, I have a name for the post.

I am happy with the amount I've managed to squeeze out of my life, for a random blog post. Will come up with something else, really soon, and hopefully will not procrastinate in writing it too.

Take care, world. Thanks for all the love and involuntary respect. <3


Wijdan said...

my god.

you so fly.
sarmad so fly.
ridz so fly.
i'm so fly.

we all so fly. we fucking own.

rated 5.0 by me cuz of all da love. makhan maarna koye danish say seekhay.

dude you should totally thank me for commenting on your blog that first time =P

Rida. said...

Hehe, you mentioned me on your blog again. Yay meee!! -D



If you don't want counselling just talk. Talk. Talk. Talk.

It helps =(

Sam said...

Abuot time i get some recognition too =P

and dude, we dont needs no conselors, theyll take away our madness! and we dont wants that now do wes?

Wijdan said...

haan bhai sarmad! gaand maardo saalay ki! bara free horaha hai aaj kal! =P

zuzu said...

I know but try watching lost its Fucking-crazy...Word