Jun 29, 2009

Riddle me this.

Bad things aren't limited to bad people.
Bad things happen to good people too. And good things happen to bad people, too.

So what is to stop someone from being bad? Where is the motivation to being good?

I've seen doing things the wrong way has achieved far better results anyway. Tricking people into things is easier and takes lesser time, than explaining things. It's funny.

But everything happens for a reason right? So according to that, all the idiots and stupid people in the world were born, just so smart people could take advantage of them and help themselves.

It goes without saying, not like that hasn't been happening for as long as we've had planet Earth.

Does Karma exist? Really? If it does, than it's definitely broken and God hasn't gotten around to fixing it yet.

Even if we believe in God or not, how exactly is it changing anything? Atheists are still alive and well, and that too in the life that we're certain of. How is that fair?

We are handed our religions are birth, we rarely get to choose them, and whatever we're taught at an early age, we'd rather stick with that, right? Can't treason against God and religion, not most people do. Then how is it someone's fault if he's born to a religion that isn't the "right" one, and doesn't have the Real God directing it?

If I come clean, I have to say; I probably wouldn't be a muslim if I wasn't born in a muslim household. Does that mean I'd be going to hell, and wouldn't get 72 virgins? How would it be my fault, anyway?


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