Mar 11, 2013

Love, happiness, and neat little circles.

It's been absolutely wonderful being back in Philadelphia.

Running into people on the street that didn't know you were back and seeing the genuine happiness in their eyes that they can't control because they're so happy to see you? Amazing.

Hearing from a friend that a room full of people jumped up in exclamation knowing you were back? Pretty darn amazing.

But the most amazing by far, are the people that you only ran into every now and then. People that you only know because they work the register or counters at places you bought things at. Small grocery stores, seven elevens. Absolutely amazing.

This lady you always struck up a conversation with when you went in to get a sandwich, and she still remembers you because of how nice you were and have been to her.

More amazing and astounding though, the guy at the small petrol station next to your house about 2 years ago. Yes, 2 years ago. He gives you a weird look and recognizes you almost immediately.

"You're the guy that was always here! I remember you, and thought you looked familiar. I remember you told me you were from Saudi Arabia, you were always here with your girlfriend!"

Ouch. Yeah, she died.

"Where have you been? Never see you anymore?"

Oh, dude, where do I even begin? First off, it's been around 2 years. I've been around the world and back, and not just metaphorically. Those are two huge reasons I haven't been around.

Amazing. Makes me feel/think that I must be doing something right. No, it reinforces that thought and feeling. The want to be nice to people, the warm fuzzy feeling you get in return. The fact that people remember you even years after you saw them, and get genuinely happy to see you again.

Guy that works at a petrol station. Who I hadn't seen in forever. Seriously.

We don't really ever do anything in selflessness, it's quite impossible. Makes being nice even more worthwhile.

Also makes me think how people that have claimed otherwise about me were either too fucking stupid, too insecure about themselves or just didn't care at all either way. Happy realization, though?

So here's a tip, world: smile at people you see today. And tomorrow. And the day after. In fact, go nuts, do it every day.

Nothing beats being loved. Being loved is a luxury, and it's even more amazing when you receive it from people who have not much to gain in offering it to you.

It all comes around in a neat little circle, the universe takes care of the intrinsic and complicated mathematics involved that we don't have to worry about. Call it Karma, makes it easier to understand and process, with a neat little definition for everyone to understand. We are the world around us, etc.

These are happy times and they feel surreal. Like a polished glaze of ice that I'm too scared to touch because I think I'll end up shattering it.

But that's a horrible form of confirmation bias that I have been given the task of getting over. Just a small fee for feeling so on top of the world, though, right? Such a small fee, and I've already paid for much bigger pains and troubles.

I be aaaaite. End of transmission.

1 comment:

Roshni said...

I love this xD .....You know how sometimes when you've been through a lot of not-very-nice stuff, you end up assuming(?) it'll always be like that... but then one day, you feel different and I don't know, hopeful? A little pinch of confidence. Life's not so bad, heh?

The bit about being nice for no selfish reason reminds me of something I read a little while ago. It said: "be so nice, it scares the other person" ..So, anybody who ever said otherwise about you, Obviously must've been guilty about something themselves for their hostile behaviour. Happy realization, fo' sho :P