Dec 10, 2010

"Operation Failed," in Ubuntu while using the Software Center.

Just fixed my very first ubuntu solution for someone else! And on Reddit/r/Ubuntu [Link], too, at that. I'm pretty proud of myself. =]

Give Reddit a look if you don't already know what it is.
"Maybe some of you Ubuntu veterans can help me out with some problems that are keeping Ubuntu from being my main OS.
I've got ubuntu on an HP dv4 laptop.
Here are my issues: -Skype sound doesn't work -Can't stream Netflix online -Whenever I install something I get an error that says "Operation Failed," but it doesn't actually fail (this is just an annoyance).
Maybe you guys can help me out?"
The Solution:
"The operation fail thing - my girlfriend was getting that on her laptop too, but it got fixed fairly easily.
The problem was, her cache was out of date, all she had to do was update it. ("sudo apt-get update" in terminal without the quotations.)
If this didn't work (didn't for her either at first,) you need to change the server you're getting your updates from. Go to Update Manager in System>>Administration from the panel, and click on Settings.
Go to the Ubuntu Software tab and click on "Download From:"
From the drop down menu, select "Other" and click on "Select Best Server."
This will download dummy files from every server until it figures out which one is closest/the best server for you.
After you're done with this, it should automatically search for updates, and update your cache too. If it doesn't, just use the command earlier mentioned (in terminal,) or use the update manager.
Hope this fixes that problem. =]"
And it did! Here's a link to the Reddit thread: [Link]

So if you're having similar problems in either 10.04 or 10.10 (because it seems to be common,) give that a shot and maybe you'll be good to go.

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