Sep 15, 2003

09/12/2003 04:32 AM
YOU WONT BELIVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
50 Cent Escapes Assassins
Rapper 50 Cent and his entourage were pulling into a New Jersey parking lot. Suddenly, gunfire erupted and they ran into the hotel's lobby. 50 Cent is said to have dodged 10 bullets in his run for safety. It is not known if his crew returned fire.
50 Cent is also known as Curtis Johnson, a former drug dealer. Police have asked for info on why his entourage was being shot at but he has not replied. The Police Chief says: "We're giving them an opportunity to come forward without using warrants."
For some odd reason, hotel staff took 30 minutes to call for help after the shooting ensued. 50 Cent and his crew were not present when police arrived. There are rumors that his rival Ja Rule may be behind the assassination attempt.

In an UnReLaTeD IssUe:
Warner Bros. have finally ended the process of casting for the new Batman film, which will start production in February. Christian Bale, from American Psycho and Little Women, is to play a young Bruce Wayne.
The film is an attempt to revive the Batman franchise, which took a solid fall after "Batman and Robin" was released in 1997. The film will depict Bruce Wayne as he begins fighting crime as a career.
The new film will be directed and co-written by Christopher Nolan, who directed "Memento" and "Insomnia". Nolan said of Bale: "He has exactly the balance of darkness and light that we were looking for."

AnD IN OuR NeTwOrKinG aNd TekNoLOGy:
Apple Sues Apple
Apple Corps Ltd. is a record company started by the Beatles. In 1981 they had sued Apple Computer Inc. for taking the name but later settled in 1991 for money and the agreement that Apple Computer Inc. would stay out of music. ITunes changed that.
Apple Computer Inc. is being sued by Apple Corp. for reneging on its agreement to stay out of the music industry. Some say Apple Computer paid $38 million the last time Apple Corp. sued them. Now Apple Corp. could win a portion of ITunes royalties.
There is speculation that Apple Computer named its online music store ITunes to avoid this type of lawsuit. Some say that Apple Computer may end up settling for royalties rather than undergo expensive litigation.

ThAtS ALL FoLkS, FrOM YoUr HaRdWoRkInG RePoRtEr, (BLahBLaH) AnD HeY, W'rE StiLL HiRiN!!?
WaNNa JoIn? Tis' EZ!

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