May 31, 2011

Redefining awesome since 1989.

I just honestly don't have anything to say.

It's kind of scary, to be honest with you. I've never experienced a writer's block of such sorts. In fact, it might have actually evolved beyond the point of being just a writer's block - into a lack of things to say. That is the scary part, and I'm not even trying to be funny (or sarcastic.)

I turned 22 a day (or two,) ago. It's funny, I got wishes from the most unexpected people and places.

My girlfriend made me a lot of cheese cake, which was pretty awesome. I might actually have just about enough cheese cake, for once in my life. My love of desserts worries me sometimes. But then I eat cake to feel better, and it always works. I think it's the reason I love cakes to begin with, it's one of those remarkable viscous cycles.

22 years old and I write about cheese cake. This would not be a problem of course, if I wasn't a man (or attracted to women,) of course - now would it? But alas, I can't resist cake.


Fuck, fuck, fuck.

I think I just can't do the stupid public service announcement birthday blog post any more.

I thought it was cool that Nobia remembered - I have no idea how she does it, but she did. It's a little scary.

Sheeni remembered too, even though I have long felt that she has a birthday calender on a wall in every room of her house. I don't think her (or her mom,) has ever forgotten a single birthday. Ever.

Sam remembered too! It was ridiculous, he called from Saudi Arabia. It was awesome. I really wasn't expecting from hearing from anyone back home.

And can you blame me? I think my parents forgot too, this year. It was kind of funny, but I can't blame them. I would forget too, if I had 4 kids. I barely remembered my own birthday this year, and I don't even have one!

Lala remembered too, which was pretty awesome.

I don't have any profound or introspective thoughts to offer.

Being 22 isn't anything special. Everything is the same as I it was when I wasn't 22. I don't know what I was expecting would be different. Maybe I hoped I would be wiser by now. Or have more answers to the great mysteries of life.

On the contrary, however, I find myself even more lost than ever before. This is what purgatory must feel like, in fact.

Whoops. I just gave out an introspective thought. But still, I didn't lie though, it wasn't much profound.

Or maybe it was. That'll give you something to think about while I go back to exploring things.


Rabia said...
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ms.parker said...

That's silly. I will never forget. :)

Cha said...

._. Dang; I'm sorry. I didn't wish you! I don't think i was even allowed on the computer those days because of my epic exams... But happy (late) birthday xD
And hands down, cake is awesome no matter what gender you are

Roshni said...

Happy belated Birthday y0. Cake FTW.