Feb 28, 2009

Google Chrome.

My PM on Windows Live Messenger says; "Google Chrome > Mozilla Firefox" and a friend recently thought it his priority to say how wrong it was. Not by providing any schema or hypothesis, no, but rather by suggesting I would also think his foot up my arse was better too. If that makes any sense.

However, I like explaining myself, out of the sheer belief that I am right no matter what, and I have proof all the time to back it up.

See, I started using Firefox, back in it's Beta days, and I spread the word like a wildfire in a forest, arguing how much better Firefox was/still is better than Internet Explorer. So now that I suggest Google Chrome to have the upper hand, it has to be shocking.

But I believe in taking concepts not thought of, and then upping them one. That's what Google Chrome has done.

Here are some features Google Chrome has that make it oh-so-much-more-delightful:

  • Tabbed Browsing. The feature that pulled everyone to firefox, and even prompted Microsoft to introduce in the latest IE installment. But Google Chrome takes it even further, when you can drag a tab out of it's designated position, for it to turn into a completely new window. Why would you want to do that? Consider this; you've opened up so many tabs, and don't want to get lost in the midst of them. I know, tabs were introduced so you keep track of windows easier, but being the multi-tasking, open-in new tab, user that I am, I also manage to get lost in all the tabs that I start running all at once. And therefore, this new trick is very innovative, indeed.

  • I like working around in Ubuntu - the Linux Distro for newbies, and one feature I specially love about Ubuntu is how every data field that you place the writing cursor on gets highlighted and gives out a yellow glow. Even if this option isn't completely necessary, it just adds a little eye-candy to the mix, and makes it so much easier to keep track of where you're going to type in the text. And Google Chrome has the same feature.

  • Resizable text fields. That's right, take the comment text field on Youtube.com for example. You can actually drag and resize the text field. Everyone that just loves customizing and doing things you're way ; rejoice.

  • Faster. Yes, Faster. Google Chrome starts running within seconds, and CTRL+T opens up a new Tab faster than you can say "peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers."

  • It's prettier. The default Google Chrome theme is minimalistic, the tabs are very neatly placed ABOVE the address bar rather than under it, the GUI isn't cluttered with icons, and it looks so much more neater.

  • You press CTRL+F to search for text on a webpage, and instead of popping out in the middle of nowhere, or even at the bottom, it slides out from under the address bar. It slides out, as to not create any sudden distractions. And it's not that slow, gradual-slide. It's the super fast, blink and you miss it, slide. It's ingenious!

  • You write "images.google.com" into the address bar in Google Chrome, and hit Tab. Then you enter the term you want to search for directly into the address bar and hit enter, and that's it. You end up straight at the image search results page, rather than going to the images page and entering your search criteria. Same goes for Google.com. Significantly eliminates a small step, that takes just a second for me to perform, but many people will love this feature, when they realize it exists.

Those are just a few of the features that Google Chrome has managed to 'better' when it comes to Web Browsing.

But why take only my word for it? Go ahead and try Google Chrome and see and/or decide for yourself.

Feb 27, 2009

Jerry Springer.

I can't decide who's the bigger dumbass here. Jerry Springer, or the people that take part in his mindless fiesco, called The Jerry Springer show.

I don't get it. I'm not even going to discuss it, I'm just going to express what I think of Jerry Springer and everyone that shows up on the show, either to make complete dumb-f*cks of themselves, or to laugh about the dumb-f*cks;  

All foam. no beer.
All hammer, no nail.
An experiment in Artificial Stupidity.
The lights are on, but nobody's home.
24 cents short of a quarter.
Proof that evolution can go in reverse as well.

How stupid can people be?!

Feb 19, 2009


Here's something Wijdan recently said about me on his blog*;

Kultman again! Again, the reason I started blogging. With Danish, always expect directed insanity. Usually he comes up with complete bullshit, but he makes amazing points with his bullshit. There are only a few people whose MSN windows I am ever ready to double-click. I love his quirky comments and witty remarks and the insane talks we've recently been having."

Aah, the joy of remembering your skills at selling Ice to Eskimos.

I have to try to wonder though. How do I come up with bullshit, in the first place? I don't consider it to be bullshit, hell, I don't even start up by looking for bullshit. In my head, the criteria for the search isn't 'bullshit'. I just observe, observe some more, realize, and write about it! So in that context, we live in a bull-shitty world! I'm just a very keen observer of bullshit, but why shouldn't I be, when there's bullshit all around us?

Bullshit wars and politics, bullshit rules, laws, and regulations. Bullshit attitudes from almost everyone alive.

Let me try to describe the word bullshit in greater detail so we can eliminate any assumptions.

Bullshit:- A statement made without regard for its truth, accuracy, or veracity. A bull shit statement is distinguished from a lie because a lie is a knowing falsehood, while bull shit simply does not care whether it is true or false.

In that context, I don't bullshit!! Not a lot, at least. Because my points to my bullshit, render my bullshit, bullshit-less. Then it's just shit! Rly good, shit.

But we do live in a bull-shitty world.

Bull-shitty politics, everywhere. It's like, Bullshit can actually be a synonym for the word Politics. In future editions of Thesauruses and Dictionaries, I wouldn't be surprised if it is.

And to further connect our lives to bullshit, let's agree to the fact that we are all joined together by Bullshit. The six degrees of bullshit, if I may.

People express bullshit feelings for you all the time, make bullshit remarks, comments and statements. Infidelity is at an all time high in the world - the perfect example of how we all share Bullshit, and how it's common in all our lives.

Lies, two-facedness, omission of key points in the narration of events, delusion. It goes without saying, those terms can all be categorized in the Bullshit section.

And therefore, Yes, I do bullshit. Bullshit is my primary key subject, when I blog. And how can I prevent it to be? Bullshit brings people together.

We, humans, as an organization are all working with the concept of Bullshit. Involuntarily, maybe, but it's a key aspect in all our lives. In the business we lead, be it financial, social, or anything else in between the thin faded lines.

Therefore - Bullshit is greater than, or equal to, everything else.

* Seven - 'For No Reason At All'

Feb 17, 2009

The only way math can be useful.

I am proud to announce that, even though I feel like I'm surrounded by idiots most of the time, I have managed to meet some very clever people in my lifetime.

I present to you a conversation I had a minute ago, with my friend Wijdan.

ȣ says:
*wet chicks be hot chicks. 8-)
Danish says:
*universal law that be
*wet chicks = hot chicks
*wet chicks are greater than, or equal to, hot chicks.
ȣ says:
*mathematically, it can also be denoted by two sets, W and H, where W is a subset of H.

so while all wet chicks are hot, all hot chicks are not wet.
Danish says:
ȣ says:
*no mess in maths ;)
Danish says:
*This deserves to go on my blog.
ȣ says:
*mine too!

Aah, life is so much better when you have the little things sorted out.

(Here is Wijdan's blog, titled "Seven - For No Reason At All.")

Feb 5, 2009

Self Therapy

I am officially depressed now. Why? Don't ask. Maybe I'm homesick, maybe I miss my friends, but whatever it is, it's brought my insomnia back. Woohoo.

But I've finally found a solution; I need to tire myself out completely, until my body gives up. Until it is literally impossible for me to stay awake. Only then can I fall asleep. And it works, too. I tried it out just yesterday, and slept like a baby. A baby having a very ugly nightmare, but sleeping is the main point of my argument here.

I was sitting in the college cafeteria today, and I felt the loneliest I have ever felt. I had slept for only 4 hours so I put my head down on the table, and listened to people all around the cafeteria talk and share laughter. The only humane interaction I had, was when every once in a while someone came along to ask if they could borrow chairs from the table. Until there were no chairs left. And then that stopped too.

I'm doing well in my classes, and I feel my real potential is being finally sparked. No longer am I a working-class student, finally.

And what exactly is bothering me? I don't know. I really don't. It's in the corner of my head, where I keep all the information I don't like to share with the rest of the world. Didn't know that? Now you do; I have a place in my head that has things that only I know, and feelings that I don't like sharing with people. It's a gemini thing, I think. And apparently, even I can't get in. It's like I forgot the password or misplaced the key, or something. I love metaphors.

Apart from that, I finally have internet at the apartement, so yay. I can write on my blog again!

My english professor, after reading the paper I handed in, called me "Guile." Quickly adding that he meant Guile in a good way. I think that is awesome.

I'm going to call it a night, I am too tired to even write ... thanks for coming, though.