Nov 25, 2007

The Emo Post.

So I've been wondering for a little time now, what the fuck "Emo" is.

I wear black all the time. I listen to death metal, and heavy metal, and screaming and shouting. I write poetry too. I do not, however, cut myself or cry because of how no one understands me.

Yesterday, I came across this website called "Emo Corner - The Emo kid hideout"

Why is it called a hideout? Well, judging by the number of people that would love to give emo kids something to cry about, I do think they need to go into hiding.

The website, (which can be found at is apparently a cheap, crap-design website, most probably run by 14-15 year olds. And if they're not 14-15 they should really re-think designing websites.

So, the website has 'cool emo hairstyles' and 'dressing sense'. But I don't get it. It's just messed up hairstyles, with a lot of shitty piercing. And emo guys just wear female jeans. And then, of course, there are the color combinations. Black and pink. Black and red. Black and ... white. Why black? Apparently "Emo" is short for Emotional. So, duh. Black has always been associated with mourning, hasn't it? But in that context, shouldn't it be parents of emo kids that should be wearing black?

Anyhow, According to the website, Emo is:

No, I'm not going to write that crap here. Go read it on the bloody website.

Ok, taking a break. People, I am all about freedom of speech. I am all about, letting the world be and not giving a crap myself. But, come on now. How can you not poke fun at something so ridiculous?

Getting back on topic, here are a few pictures I found, that poke fun at Emos. There was a lot harsher material, and that would be piercing, not poking, and that is why I'm not putting it up.

How harsh? One picture said "Emo kid! Go kill yourself."
Here are my personal favorites though:
Do you know any emo kids? Please tell them to pay this blog a visit and look at these images. Maybe that'll cheer them up. If not, they can always cry and write crappy poetry, right?

What do I think emo is? A reason for guys to dress up as girls.

Emo Kids! Cheer The Fuck Up!!


Dr. Shariq said...

Awesome article. Completely agree with you here. I think of Emo as another branch of today's pop culture aimed at teenagers for commercial gains.

Anonymous said...

Stop!! y r yew making fun ov oth3r ppl.. let em be

Anonymous said...

hard to belive, but there are even crapier websites like luv-emo

Anonymous said...

Actually you're off by a couple of years. The main admin may actually be 12..named cupcake...and is a boy...