May 11, 2010

error 404: file not found

More like I've moved, actually.

Moved on in life, to other things.

My life is just moving too fast for me to be sitting around a computer and writing it all down for an audience that may or may not be there.

My opinion doesn't matter because ignorance will always be bliss to all of you people.

This has never been worth my time.
Pleasing your humane pettiness is not worth my time.

I’ve realized, that the only reason I was so addicted to this stupid concept is because from a very early age I’ve realized people have always been too stupid to see what is clearly right in front of us.

Growing up I realized how machines, computers specifically, are so much more superior in comprehending and working with logic when compared to humans.

That is where this connection began, all those years ago. My opinions and thoughts, that were directed at a computer – that listened without offering a bullshit opinion that was blinded by the inability to think individually, soon turned into a fucking social event. A fucking social event that highlighted the angst and depression of an insane teenager, that only wanted people to open their bloody eyes.

I refuse to partake in this foolish and petty waste of my precious time, that I will no longer throw away, by writing to an audience that is clearly not willing or ready or even able to comprehend a reality that is different from the illusion that is letting everyone sleep comfortably.

Fuck this. Stay asleep. I don’t care anymore.

We are only restricted by our own stupidity.

And you refuse to accept that and break away from restrictions.

Maybe I can’t blame you, it’s only your fear.

I’m sorry, I can’t help but laugh at how afraid all of you are though.

All the laughing I’ve ever been doing has always been alone, and that’s something I’ve accepted now.

And since you refuse to break free and accept reality, you might as well sleep with your ignorance.

Without me gently rapping, tapping on your chamber door.



Roshni said...


Sam said...

Too long did not read.

Daanish said...

Thanks for wasting everyone's time by still leaving a pointless comment though.

Sam said...

Oh. I thuoght you said you werent coming back. o-O


Anonymous said...

You don't have to continuously cater to an audience. At least not always blog with that intention. If that's what you were doing, then fair enough, you chose to stop. But as for everyone else, there are a lot of people who write on such platforms not for anyone else but themselves. Not always seeking comments and confirmations of whether anyone out there is listening, but just to be able to say things. :)

Daanish said...

Still, the knowing that it's up on the internet and anyone can stumble on to it, but still blogging as if you're talking to yourself, to me at least - is pretty hypocritical.

Blogs can never be personal.

Studies prove that once you put the spotlight on anyone, they start behaving very differently. Production usually goes up, and they start cooperating with the system. It's the fact that we know on the inside, that someone out there might read what we're typing, is never going to go away.

And I can't do that anymore.

I'm still going to write, I still do, I just don't want anyone reading anymore. I really do want to write for just myself now.

And to be completely honest, I don't think anyone really can write for anyone other than themselves, ever. No one does anything without a benefit to themselves present, ever. There ARE no selfless acts.

Look at that .. that's kinda like a blog post itself. Funny.

Zeba Siddiqui said...

I don't think you should stop. Not ever. After I commented here, I think I read all your previous posts the same night 'çause I fell in love with your writing. And I'm going to go back to it again and again. I don't really know why because most of it is depressing, to be honest. But you've put into words a lot many things that I felt, but never could write about. And I just, couldn't stop reading once I started. Some of the posts made me cry. I would really love to read your stuff if you do write somewhere else right now. But don't ever stop writing.


Roshni said...

yes don't stop.

Sam said...

"Still, the knowing that it's up on the internet and anyone can stumble on to it, but still blogging as if you're talking to yourself, to me at least - is pretty hypocritical."

But, thats what you've been man. A hypocrite. Why stop now?

And come on, most of us started blogging because of you. Remember? >_>

- Saad - said...


Anum Altaf Hussain said...

hahahaha your funny!