May 28, 2007

Dawning ...

Ohkayy! It has now, officially, been 18 years ... and I've been meaning to write a blog entry similar to this one, and now is the best time to write! Don't ask me why though ...

Time has gone by so fast ... I mean, when people said "life is short" I used to laugh at them, and think to myself: Life is by far the longest thing you can experience.What people probably meant was: Life is too short, if you don't have fun every minute. Or that's just how I think ... hehe.Also note: Life is too short to blend in ... :D

Anyhow, I've been thinking, ever since May started ... aah, my month, so many good things have happened in Mays' past ... yeah, ever since May started, of whatI'm going to do, once I reach the 29th ... I had a lot in mind, was going to do a lot, but due to some 'unforseen circumstances' I had to ... aah, nevermind. Let me just come to what I CAN do ...

First of all, I would like to apologise to EVERYONE out there. All of you people, sitting unaware at home, and everyone here right now, reading this post. Why? Just because this is the "Dawning Of The Rest Of Our Lives" .... our? Yes, Yours, Mine and Another Person that's probably the "unaware" part ... So yes ... from deep down inside, I'm Sorry for anything that I have done to either : hurt you/shock you/piss you off ... I probably didn't mean it ... and even if I did ... I'm Sorry!!!!

Second, I'd like to THANK all of you. Yes, YOU! You make my life special!! Think of all the things we've done together, yeah, lets ... take a minute, or more if it takes you. How many times have we laughed together? Ever wonder how happiness is so underrated?? Next time you're 'depressed' give it a thought. And when you realise, come back tonotice: We've shared laughter!!

We've shared a lot more probably ... sadness? Have we done that? Have we helped each other out? Have we made conversation for hours and hours? Did I mention you in my blog post, ever? Did I make other people meet you?
Even if we haven't done ANY of that ... I'm just glad to know you right now ... I'm glad you can tell people you know me ... and I'm glad I can tell people I know you ...

THANK YOU. Because my life definately would've been incomplete without YOU right now ... no matter who you are! I know, somehow you've brought change to my life, and I'm grateful for it all ...

There are so many things for me to be thanking you for : Maybe I spent some time with you? When I just got to be "myself" ?? I love that, I love being myself. Thank you for that.
Maybe I've told you something I have never ever told anyone else? Thank you for "letting me go" of something. Maybe I've known you my whole life? Maybe you know everything I've ever done, maybe you're the person I tell everything as soon as it happens. Thank you for being there to listen.

Maybe we share a passion together? Rock and Roll, and Drugs? Thank you for being here ... thank you for being you!

Even if we haven't done all that? Thank you.

The list is endless ... and to sum it all up: THANK YOU FOR ANY MOMENT I MIGHT HAVE SHARED WITH YOU.

ooh, ooh, I would like to wish someone who's probably not even reading: Happy Birthday!! You probably have no idea how you've touched me for the good. It was all good. Thank you ...

"Don't be sad for every moment that goes by
Don't be sad for every moment that dies
The past is behind us ... let's start again with
The Dawning Of The Rest Of Our Lives"

- Danish

May 18, 2007

Unhealthy Healthy Habits

I was going through Msn Health And Fitness where I read about 'healthy habits' which aren't really healthy. And I came across this:

Drinking eight glasses of water a day
Admit it, this is one healthy habit that’s a royal pain. Luckily, it’s also completely unnecessary. For some people, eight glasses a day might actually be far too much, leading to sodium deficiencies and potentially life-threatening water intoxication, caused by kidneys not being able to keep up the intake of liquids. In 2002, a kidney specialist tried, in vain, to find any scientific evidence supporting the eight-glasses-a-day myth. His report, published in the American Journal of Physiology, concluded that this standard health advice was complete and utter bunk that, like many urban legends, stemmed from a tiny grain of truth. Apparently, the dietary guidelines provided by the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Research Council do say that humans need 1 milliliter of water for each calorie of food—adding up to about 10 cups a day. However, the same guidelines also say that we get most of this liquid from the water in solid food. There’s no need to drink more.
Source: Msn Health and Fitness

So do I stop drinking a lot of water, or do I first ask my kidney?

And, another one I read about was : Carrots improving your eyesight.

Apparently, During World War 2, the british navy fighters were spotting Nazi pilots from further distances and shooting them down. So what do they do? They spread the news that carrots were helping their pilots see in the dark. What really happened was, the british developed a better radar system that they didn't want their enemies to know about.

Carrots are a good source of Vitamin A, but eating a lot won't give you night vision ... instead, it'll develop a toxin in your body, which isn't fatal, but hey... Toxin.

May 17, 2007

Left Sorrow

Okayy, so, now that my depression is all gone ... (Yes, Sheedeee and Nobia, it's all gone, happy? I'm not lying!! It is!!) ... yeah, it's all gone. And I embark on a new path for new memories. *glee*

Today was a nice day ... tiring, yes, but nice all the same ...

I was out of the house for 6 hours, so I'm bound to get tired (I was out of the house for 18 hours once, lol, gave an exam at 7 in the morning, and didn't go home, stayed out till approx. 12 at night .. fun fun ..)

So let's see what happened ... yeah, I woke up at around, 2.30. Yeah. Went to inbox to check if anyone particular had sent an email, but noooo, just stupid newsletters. Then decided to call and check if Sarmad (pijohn) and Fahad (lala) were ready to go get gifts for Saad's Birthday! (Which is today, May18th ... which reminds me: so many people's birthdays in may;

First of all, there were tthese 3 chicks who had b'days in May 5, May 6 and May 7 ... =\ ... then Sam's on May 15 ... Saad's on May 18 ... Simmi bhai's on May 23 ... and the world's two most kickass people's birthday on May 29)

Yeah ... okay, Pijohn was ready, but he had no car. Lala was busy running errands, and so we had to wait and be BORED till F*** at home. When finalllayyyy, Pijohn and Lala arrived at my place and we all decided to get saad some stuff.

We go all the way to the place we were going to :p , listening to some depressing songs ... but Lala is such a weird dude, the best way to describe him would be: he Loves life ... he's always happy no matter wat =\ must be a pisces thing ... me and Pijohn survived somehow and reached the place.

We got the stuff ... ooh, there was a cute chick there, but she didn't look :( anyhow...

We got the stuff, decided we're hungry, BUT we needed something from a friend of ours ... who shall remain unnammed. AND, Sam pijohn didn't want to meet him. THAT is where the downfall started. lol ... Lala said he'll drop us at home, run some more errands and ... listen carefully ... PICK US UP AFTER HALF AN HOUR ... *sigh* maybe his watch wasn't working ... heh, geminis: so optimistic :p

anyhow ... Sam had fight or something with his chick :( (its all okay now, yayy) and so, we went to his place, where I actually, sat on this couch, PLAYED with a beer glass bottle (oooh, the bubbles go up .. oooh the bubbles go down. .. tht was my game ..) for an HOUR. Yes, an HOUR. He talked to his chick, and hardwork does pay off! In an hour everything was fine ... Pijohn had mercy and we went out to have more smozzies... hehe, we know what that means :p

THEN, lala arrived in his Deenaaaliiiii. Yah, first he came in his mercury when we did the shopping, so this was car number 2 for the day.

We sat, and decided we're all hungry. BUT, no one had cash ... at the moment >.> ... yes, miracles happen with us. Anyhow, we went and picked up a bish friend of ours that I call Geeboo and the rest of the friends call him ... naa, name too unappropriate, ppl from my family come and read this blog :p .. haha, you know who you are mean ones!

*ahem* getting back to topic ... we picked em up and we picked up the papers we needed from another friend. Then, we dropped the *friend with appropriate name* back home and decided if we were had cash or not :p

Hehe, and WE DID. We had cash all of a sudden :p ... yes, weird, but that's what we do. In the end we all eat, but we have to take long time calculating the expenses :p

So yeh, we went to eat, when Enter Ride Number 3.

We was eating, when he called and arrived in his ... *sigh* orange civic ... and decided to just see us until we get back to sam's place ... >.> ... becuz we're too cool for him ... muhahaha, Sam!

No, wait, did I forget to mention?? Laallleyyyy, decided to test drive driver ... er, dude no 3's car :p .. actually the car's hand brake ... NO, u bastard sam, don't take that the wrong way, test drive hand brake, NO! ... muhahaha, anyway, when dude and sam left for sam's home, me and lala went for a spin ... yes ... spin ... 90 and 180 degrees :p FUNNNNZ.

Then, the dude ''topified'' us and left, when Pijohn ... er, had something to do at home and gave me and lalleyyy His Car Keys ... yes! Ride Number 4 for the day!!

*whistle* ... we ... *ahem* went for a spin ... *cough*

and came back, picked sam up, when Voila!! Sam had a master plan : it was 10 minutes to midnight (and xt's birthday) and we could go to Saad's place to wish him!! I have smart friends :p ... no seriously, no sarcasm there, Sam :p ... lol.

So yeshhhh, we reach in about 8 minutes, still 2 minutes left. Muhaha, xt showed us how to climb on cement thingy, to look in his window :p I was literally hanging from his window railings wearing a glow in the dark metallica shirt, why didnt anyone take a picture u bastards I just realized!!!! Anyhow :p

A guy was staring at us liek we're trying to break in saad, did we tell you? :p haha, u werent at homeee who told u to go suttafy?!? Anyhow, we're waiting cuz we figured he's not at home, when... Enter Ride Number 5!! Saad arrives in his "french car" :p haha, ok ok its french and not european ... hwever u spell that.

So yesh, we go for a ride, and meet Saad, and when it's twelve we say Happy Birthday Duuude!! You should've seen his face, he tried so hard to act surprised :p haha, we could see him all happy when he got off the car and we didn't even say anything !! lol.

Anyhow, his chick called ... (we still wished first, aaite saad) ... and nobi messaged me asking for saads no, when I replied, she called him!! (ps: sam says; U just sent me a msg!!!! And u call Saad?! ... ooh, and u better have credit for a few days later :p)

Yehhhh, so everyone wished saad a happy birthday!! wohoooo, day ends!! we had funz!! Oh, waitttttttt a minnnuuuuteeeeee :p we HAD to have fire ... if not on candles, we are soooo resourceful that we found a way :p

lol, Saad dropped us back to Sam's car, and we were goin back when I heard this straaange *ching..ching..ching..ching* sound coming from the car ... but we thought it's nothing and started to drive, when saad came back in his car behind us and told us to stop (Pijohn being a fast and the furious fan hit the brakes real hard and stopped at 90' degrees :p .. lol)

Saad comes running and guess what he says?

"Quickly Quickly!! Someone gimme his cell!! Someone with credit!!"
us: "uhhhh, why?" (we didn't say "wheres the fire?" or it wuld've been complete :P)
"Beecaaause I want to call my chick and tell her to call me later!!)

... no comments ....

aaaanyhow :p Thank God for her!! Becaaaause, we suddenly smelt ... something ... burning ... don't go into shock yet.

We got out of the car, and popped open the hood to find BIG SMOKES .... haha, yes, A lotttta smoke :p
Awww, smoke not visible in picture :(

But there was a loot!!! Yesss, A lot!!

Lol, anyhow, I told the smart people to turn off the car, but It wouldn't turn off !! Lol, and it didn't even have a brain, AND this wasn't a terminator movie ... so we were all shocked.

Lol, thennn, The smart people remembered the battery wire, which would turn off the car. We took that wire out, and the battery died down, with some last cries of pain .. haha, yeh.. chinga chinga chinga chinnnngggg .... roflol.

Aaaanyhow, to make the birthday complete, saad noticed some wires got Red Hot. And then there were the flames which made us go into "woooahhh waatttt the ffffffooooooookkk" mode. Hahaha, we looked desperately in sams car for a fire extinguisher, but didn't find ... and guess wat ... when sam got home his bro tells him it was in the trunk ... lolll, Saad ddidn't have extinguisher either but guess what? he did have a half filled plastic water bottle!!! Lol, THANK GOD the fire went out by itself :p

roflol... Sooo yes, it came to an end just as it started. We took the ccar off parking, and pushed it to the other side of the road where we locked it, and it stands there as we speak.

Aaaah, quite a day. Oooh, Oooh, misc. funny thing : I was talking to sam a few days ago about his favorite foods ... he says he likes biryani ... and second, he likes ... *sigh* Chaal Daawal ... Read that ... he said Chaaawaaal Daaaaal ... roflol, we make fun of that all the time now :p by saying Daawal Chaal .. lol.

Woohoo, just had to get that published somewhere :p lol ... Aah, so yesh, that was our day!!

Now I'm at hhome, 2 hoours after the "Day Ended" writing about it ... I am either too smart for my own good, or I need a life :p ... you need not comment, all you mean people I know .. lol, because most of you were with me in all of this :p

aah, feels good to just end the post. Hope you liked!! Ooh, this is Saad's official birthday post. He gets this as a gift from me and can show off "Look! Danish wrote a blog post on my birthday!" lolll ...

Thanks, All Of You ... For Reading ... And Some, For Witnessing Life With Me ... :)
- Danish

May 2, 2007

Life as Wikipedia tells us ...

The last time I wanted information, I either went directly to Google, or Wikipedia.

It seems all of "life" has been covered, at "The biggest multilingual free-content encyclopedia on the Internet. "

So I figured. Maybe Wikipedia has all the answers to life. Maybe, I can find out what life is all about, from the same place I get all the information about Prison Break episodes.

I thought of basic things that we go through, or things that have any sort of meaning in life, and looked at what Wikipedia said about them.

Let's start at "Birth"

Birth is the process in animals by which an offspring is expelled from the body of its mother. Different forms of birth are ovipary, vivipary or ovovivipary.

So far so good. Let's try "Life" next.

Life is a condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally.

As you probably have come to know by now, life isn't that easy to get. After Life, the next thing that come to mind was ...

Death is the permanent end of the life of a biological organism. Death may refer to the end of life as either an event or condition.[1] Death occurs in nature as a result of predation, disease, loss of habitat, or accident. The principal causes of death in modern human societies are diseases related to aging.[1] Traditions and beliefs related to death are an important part of human culture, and central to many religions.

Okay, now that the basics to our big question called life have been answered, let's see what Wikipedia makes of the little pieces.

Destiny (a.k.a Fate) refers to a predetermined course of events. It may be conceived as a predetermined future, whether in general or of an individual. It is a concept based on the belief that there is a fixed natural order to the universe.

Memories: In psychology, memory is an organism's ability to store, retain, and subsequently recall information.

Quite Satisfied, I decided to take a chance on the big fish.

The Meaning Of Life: The meaning of life is a fundamental discussion of human existence, chiefly consisting of interpretations such as: "What is the origin of life?", "What is the nature of life (and of the universe in which we live)?", "What is the significance of life?", and "What is valuable in life?" These questions have resulted in a wide range of competing answers and arguments, from scientific theories, to philosophical, theological, and spiritual explanations.

*sigh* let's just get back to smaller things ...

Emotion, in its most general definition, is an intense mental state that arises autonomically in the nervous system rather than through conscious effort, and evokes either a positive or negative psychological response. An emotion is often differentiated from a feeling.

Then what the f*** is a feeling?

Feelings convey information about situations, on both conscious and subconscious levels, via at least 30 neurochemicals acting alone or in concert in complex ways

Wow... So much sense, all in one place.

Peace is a state of harmony, the absence of hostility. This term is applied to describe a cessation of or lapse in violent international conflict; in this international context, peace is the opposite of war. Peace can also describe a relationship between any parties characterized by respect, justice, and goodwill.

Depression, or a depressed mood, may in everyday English refer to a state of melancholia, unhappiness or sadness, or to a relatively minor downturn in mood that may last only a few hours or days.

Self-injury (SI) or Self-harm (SH) is deliberate injury inflicted by a person upon his or her own body.

Anger is a (physiological and psychological) response to a perceived threat to self or important others, present, past, or future. The threat may appear to be real, disscused, or imagined. Anger is often a response to the perception of threat due to a physical conflict, injustice, negligence, humiliation or betrayal among other contentions.

Love is any of a number of emotions and experiences related to a sense of strong affection or profound oneness.[1] Depending on context, love can have a wide variety of intended meanings.

Death Wish is a 1972 novel by Brian Garfield.

Crying — see tears or shout.

Yeah, lets.

Tears are a liquid produced by the body's process of lacrimation to clean and lubricate the eyes.

Luck can be defined as a chance happening, or as that which happens beyond a person's control. Luck is often regarded as a superstition, but it can be interpreted in many ways.

Karma (Sanskrit k?rma, k?rman- "act, action, performance"[1]; P?li kamma) (pronunciation (help·info)) is the concept of "action" or "deed" in Dharmic religions understood as denoting the entire cycle of cause and effect described in Hindu, Jain and Buddhist philosophies.

That didn't seem to help a lot ... but at least I got a good laugh at most of the stuff.

Here's to keep going until we find out for ourselves.