Mar 29, 2009

I dream of a revolution.

See, we live in a hypocritical world, we really do. We are quicker on judging other people, but decide so dilligently to pass on judging ourselves, we do. We love conflict, wars, news, evil men, hitlers, the devil, and everything wrong. We thrive on wars, we profit from them. We profit from ignorance, sadness, sheer idioticy, and the government-fed lies. We're living a lie. We know we are, we just chose to.

Ignorance is bliss, we've been fed that lie, and we decide to go with it. We're so much better, aren't we? We judge people, yet we're ignorant. How does that really work?

Avril Lavigne ended up screaming at a group of her fans that decided to wear their ties on t-shirts, much like she does. And we labelled her bad. But trust me, you see a bunch of morons copying everything you do, and you would contemplate murder in cold blood too, let alone vent off some steam.

We're puppets, all of us. We've let our good ol' traits go, forgotten them. We wouldn't know how to survive without any technology, a single day. We're so bound by this concrete jungle, and all that the government has fed us, we can't resist. We've given in, involuntarily. We're all materialistic, we're all thriving for success and tangible wealth, we don't know what Spiritual means anymore.

We don't know what fidelity means, because no one else does. We don't know what being happy means anymore, because no one else does. We're puppets. We're like sheep. We're lemmings. Following each other further down the drain.

I say, let's give up the whole idea that we're on the top of the food chain. Let's pass it on, give it up to amphibians, or whatever it is below us. We eat meat, but is that the only thing that's keeping us on top of the food chain? We're not apart from any other mammal, no. We're not using our brains anymore. They say Einstein, being the smart-ass he was, only used about 8% of his brain power. And every other human can stretch that level to only 5 or sometimes 6%. But seriously, can we, are we?

If Charle's Darwin's bullshit theory of Evolution was actually true, it's definitely going in reverse at the moment. Aren't we supposed to be growing smarter? Then why aren't we? Why do we still have apes.

It's all about money, you and I both know that. Money can't buy happiness, was something the filthy rich came up with when they didn't want the poor to feel too bad. Everything has a price. Everything. Happiness has been left so far behind. There are bigger and better things to be bought now. Like respect, and power. Happiness? What is that?

Beauty. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It's true. Just no one's fault that every beholder fails to realize that beauty isn't only skin deep. It's a pity, but they've won. Airbrushes, photoshop, and Vogue magazines have won the right to be making as much money as they do. We've gulped down all these lies like Orange Pulp on a hot summer day. It's in all of us.

Like Chuck Palahniuk said: Our generation has had no great wars, no great depressions. Our wars are spiritual, and our depressions - our lives.

Like Jerry Seinfeld said. If aliens are looking over us right now, walking behind our dogs with a poop scooper, following them around, picking up their crap after them. They won't consider Humans to be in charge, no. What would that look like to them? We should just give it up, let the species behind us on top of the food chain. Just give up.

What are we doing? What is our purpose in life? We're probably glad we got thrown out of Eden. We love conflict, we love hurting each other, we love struggling and arguing and fighting. We wouldn't know happiness, if we didn't know sad. We wouldn't ever be happy, if we weren't ever depressed. We wouldn't have peace, if we never had war. War is just as important to us as happiness is. We wouldn't appreciate love, if we didn't hear about Palestine and Israel every now and then. Maybe that's why they're both still at it. After all these years. Maybe that's why the higher-powers on planet earth don't want that to end. We can't sidetrack, we can't afford to lose focus. Without war, we just wouldn't be satisfied. We won't be happy.

Does trust mean anything to anyone anymore? The more truth we come across, the more paranoid we get. But we're not entitled to the truth anymore, no. What they don't know, won't hurt them, the government says. It's for our own good, isn't it? If we could see the future, we would be so taken by shock, we would fail to operate, fail to live, just give up.

What we don't know, isn't hurting us. That's what's hurting us. But we don't know it. We just don't want to be hurt.

I dream of a revolution.

Right now - more than ever.

Female Obsessions.

I'm posting this important Public Service Announcment by a friend of mine, concerning Twilight and it's affect on women.
By "ZuZu".

He asked me to put up his piece on my blog, and I felt like this was a serious epidemic that was spreading between the women on earth and had to be addressed.


Sick of the whole, "OMG... I love Edward” thing!!
First, don't get me wrong, I am in no way jealous of a fictional vampire character.  

However, I feel like I can't go anywhere anymore without some girl talking on the phone, or yapping up her friend about how much she loves Edward Cullen, and how much Edward Cullen has changed their lives. It is starting to piss me off on many levels. I mean, PLEASE STFU ALREADY! 

The main reason it pisses me off is because its pretty clear the vast majority of these girls only claim to be in love with love him because its suddenly the cool thing to do. The whole gentleman, dark and complicated, yet charming vampire routine has been done 1000 times over... Actually, I think Twilight stole the plot from a porn movie I watched in 9th grade with my friend and just took out all the sex scenes. The book just so happen to catch on like a boy band or any other trend. .. In my eyes he is no different than Furbys or Hanson. 

Okay, so you think its a good book... fine. You like the character...great. But for suddenly form an unhealthy addiction to a guy which you probably would laugh at if you saw in real life is ridiculous. Would you really pretend to be that obsessed over him if Twilight was just some book you picked up that nobody else had heard of? No, of course not, your friends would think you were silly and rather insane. 

In reality Edward Cullen would be the equivilent of a ***** emo panzy who wears sparkles and is hopped up on pain killers and crystal meth. Ironically he posseses some of the least desirable traits that women would have previously listed for a boyfriend. He is clingy, pale, cold and uncuddleable, overly-controlling, and most of all he can't have sex. Also, if I were to drive like him with a girl in the car I am positive I would get nothing but backseat driving barking in my ear to slow down. 

Now, I am pretty sure that while Cullen may somehow look good on paper, if it were to come down between this whimsical fictionaly vampire fairy boi who is leading you on and won't touch you and..a real man who burps, farts, but can rail you until your eyes cave in yet is still caring and loving at the same time... it wouldn't even be a question that you'd choose the later. Sure you might say..."But if I were with Edward i wouldnt' need sex, hes soooo dreammy." 

But I say... I haven't met a virgin girl since my senior year of highschool...everyone gets urges. 

BTW, I would take Blade if I had to choose something for girls and me myself and all the guys reading this even you would choose Kate Beckinsale in Underworld vampire over one like this cullen tool anyday right. The whole badass vampire gone semi-good but still badass is so much more of a turn-on than the whole sparkly fairyprincess look at me plot. 

In conclusion to this entirely too long rant... I basically cannot wait until this fad blows over and girls in evry country stop acting like stupid preadolescent fan girls with a boyband crush. (Reply back to me if you support my facts)


Mar 5, 2009

Wrathful, much?

I think it's fucking delightful, when people care more about what others think of them and don't have an honest opinion about themselves, and when they just love butting their noses into other people's affairs. And the whole 'holier than thou' thing.

Fuck everyone mentioned above.