Hey, Hey, Hey! Me Back, wid LostsLinks for da people who are artistic with interests in PhotoShop! Here are some great links for some Great Brushes and Other Resources...oh and HEY! Here's da links to some great stuff i've done. Uploaded. Oh, add comments! And send me an email to tell me how u liked dem.
Sony Ericcson T230 Wallpaper
Sony Ericsson T230 Wallpaper 2
More Comin!!
Here are the links:
Damned In Black Just one look at da intro page and u know they mean business. Takes TIME to Looaaaaaad...im still waiting myself...
8Nero Brusshes Nice Brushes, Great Website.
im makin some AWESOME wallpapers...be sure to check dem out when i put da links to dem on dis here place...email me wid some comments ya'll!